Vickie Milazzo's Thoughts for Success

Thoughts for Success: Start and End Your Day as a Certified Legal Nurse Consultant with a Positive Person Who’s On Your Team

Negative energy is a positive force – a force that even the most successful Certified Legal Nurse Consultant can’t always avoid. We can, however, minimize negative energy’s impact by surrounding ourselves with positive people who are genuinely on our team.

I start and end each day with my 83-year-old friend, Blanche, who is the most positive, wise and fun person I know. She is always a bright light in my day.

Thoughts for Success: Start and End Your Day as a Certified Legal Nurse Consultant with a Positive Person Who’s On Your Team

To be a successful Certified Legal Nurse Consultant and to enjoy the success you’ve work so hard to attain, surround yourself with a person (or two or three) who is genuinely on your team. Bright lights help to eradicate dark, negative energy and they’re a lot more fun to hang with.

I’m Just Sayin’

P.S. Comment and share whether you start and end your day with a positive person. If so, who?

One thought on “Thoughts for Success: Start and End Your Day as a Certified Legal Nurse Consultant with a Positive Person Who’s On Your Team

  1. I begin each day with my husband, Frank, who is wise and entertaining. He helped me make the decision of “going for the whole shebang (the VIP course) in my CLNC® consulting business.” He is retired now and has health problems. I cherish the moments I have left with him. My goal is to become successful as a CLNC® consultant so he can enjoy the financial rewards before his time is up.

    He has a work history of oil field drilling consulting and trucking for many years. He usually has no clue about medical-nursing but at times has great input to the details of mechanics. I carefully explain my questions to him not to relay any confidential material of any case I am involved in.

    He is my greatest supporter for the CLNC® consulting business!

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*The opinions and statements made by Vickie Milazzo, the founder of Medical-Legal Consulting Institute, Inc. are based on her experiences and expertise, should not be applied beyond the specific context provided, and do not guaranty or project actual results. Vickie Milazzo is no longer involved in the operations or management of the business, but is involved as an independent education consultant.

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