CLNC Success Story: Exhibiting Extinguishes Certified Legal Nurse Consultant’s Fear About Meeting Attorneys!

CLNC® Success Story: Exhibiting Extinguishes Certified Legal Nurse Consultant’s Fear About Meeting Attorneys!

A funny thing happens when an RN becomes a Certified Legal Nurse Consultant. The attorney wearing a jacket in his law office terrifies you while the same guy wearing a hospital gown with his backside showing is fair game for your needles (and worse).

You can banish false fears about attorneys. How?

Do what Certified Legal Nurse Consultant Amanda Brongo, RN, CLNC did and put yourself in the midst of plenty of attorneys on their turf. Amanda admits she was nervous about meeting attorneys at her first exhibiting opportunity with LegalNurse.com’s CLNC Marketing Mentors. Amanda was worried about talking to attorneys and how they would respond to her. To Amanda’s surprise all the attorney-prospects were extremely friendly and receptive to what she had to offer as a Certified Legal Nurse Consultant. Best of all, she left the legal conference with several strong prospective attorney-clients and plenty of confidence.

If you want to extinguish your fear in a nonthreatening environment, exhibit your legal nurse consulting services at a legal conference. Exhibiting is the fastest, easiest and most productive way to meet attorney-prospects.

Congratulations Amanda!

P.S. Comment here to congratulate Amanda on her experience at her first exhibit and read more CLNC Success Stories here.

P.P.S. If you are interested in exhibiting with our CLNC Marketing Mentors at a legal conference, contact the Institute at 713.942.2200.

4 thoughts on “CLNC® Success Story: Exhibiting Extinguishes Certified Legal Nurse Consultant’s Fear About Meeting Attorneys!

  1. Congratulations. I’m in the same nervous boat. I’ll be exhibiting March 1 with the Institute in FL and hope to end up with similar results. You have encouraged me.

    1. Right there with ya girl. I will be in Florida on the 29th!! Good luck to you. I wish you tremendous success!

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*The opinions and statements made by Vickie Milazzo, the founder of Medical-Legal Consulting Institute, Inc. are based on her experiences and expertise, should not be applied beyond the specific context provided, and do not guaranty or project actual results. Vickie Milazzo is no longer involved in the operations or management of the business, but is involved as an independent education consultant.

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