Vickie Milazzo's Thoughts for Success

Thoughts for Success: Choosing Happiness Stirs Us to Openly Embrace Growth Challenges

Recently I found myself making a difficult decision, and on reflection, recognized I wasn’t moving toward happiness as part of the decision-making process. I was instead moving toward the path of least resistance, one that would lead to the least level of dissatisfaction and stress. I wasn’t making the best decision, I was making the easiest. I resolved to instead choose happiness and openly embrace all of the challenges that go along with it.

Thoughts for Success: Choosing Happiness Stirs Us to Openly Embrace Growth Challenges

When we make decisions we should ask if the path we choose will lead to happiness. Happiness doesn’t discount or avoid challenges. Happiness is an emotion that stirs us to welcome growth and the opportunities challenges bring to our lives and legal nurse consulting businesses.

At a recent CLNC® Certification Seminar I was inspired to meet a new Certified Legal Nurse Consultant with 40 years of nursing experience. At her age she could easily have chosen retirement and an easy life, a path that many of her RN peers have already taken. Instead she chose to become a CLNC consultant because, as she said, “I still want to be significant and make a difference.”

Interestingly, that’s a sentiment I’ve also heard echoed by RNs working in hospital jobs with a tenth of her experience. One Certified Legal Nurse Consultant shared that after just 5 ½ years in nursing, “I’m ready to go build houses. I’m so frustrated with the state of my RN job at the hospital.”

To desire growth (and the challenges it offers) when society tells us it’s okay not to is a genuine path to happiness. Certified Legal Nurse Consultants of every age make me happy when you choose happiness and openly embrace the challenges that go with it.

I’m Just Sayin’

P.S. Comment and share how you invite growth challenges and happiness into your life.


2 thoughts on “Thoughts for Success: Choosing Happiness Stirs Us to Openly Embrace Growth Challenges

  1. I am so happy that I too embraced the challenges of becoming a CLNC® consultant. There are a lot of decisions that lay on my shoulders which are a directional purpose of success. I love the independence. The opportunities are limitless in the CLNC® business and I appreciate all the support and education we get.

    A few months ago I followed a mentor’s advice to market elsewhere. Now, I have a great new attorney-client who is keeping me busy with cases. Funny thing is, he already has a legal nurse consultant. That is a challenge for me to shine.

  2. I was working full time as a staff midwife and while I love what I do, I had been unhappy in that position for several years. At the same time, I have been running a clinic at another hospital and enjoy what I do. A big part of the difference? Independence and recognition for what I do. I considered becoming a legal nurse consultant for several years. It was scary to give up the security, but I decided a slightly bigger retirement wasn’t worth 5 more years of misery. It’s a bit of a plunge since I am so close to retirement age, but I’ve also been thinking in terms of something I can continue to do that would challenge me. I am close to finishing the CLNC® Certification Program (in 1 week). My 2 attorney sons and other lawyers I know have all been encouraging and supportive.

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*The opinions and statements made by Vickie Milazzo, the founder of Medical-Legal Consulting Institute, Inc. are based on her experiences and expertise, should not be applied beyond the specific context provided, and do not guaranty or project actual results. Vickie Milazzo is no longer involved in the operations or management of the business, but is involved as an independent education consultant.

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