
Does Your Email Address Market You as a Certified Legal Nurse Consultant?

Everything is marketing. This is a business principle every successful Certified Legal Nurse Consultant knows and it applies to every part of your CLNC® business. When I say everything you do is marketing, that includes your email address.

The bare minimum branding for an email address should be your company name (or a logical derivative) @ whatever email service you are using. Your email address should reflect your professionalism and that it is a business email address, not a personal one. Who would you rather do business with, [email protected] or [email protected]?

At the same time, always keep a separate personal email address. This decreases the chances that inappropriate communications go to the wrong individuals such as your attorney-prospects and clients.

Your website is a basic marketing strategy that connects your domain name to your email address and establishes your CLNC® brand. You can register your website’s domain name with any of the big registration companies such as GoDaddy.com or Register.com for $3-$10/month. They all have website-building tools that will help you create a simple 2-3 page website for your CLNC® business.

All you need to get started is a homepage (first page they see) that describes what you do as a CLNC® consultant, perhaps with an abbreviated list of CLNC® services, a Contact Us page and an About Me page. Keep it simple and professional-looking. If you can’t use the site-building tool, consider hiring a designer or someone from your local community college’s web design program to create one for you from scratch. You can always add bells and whistles later once your CLNC® business is going strong.

Here’s the best thing about registering your own domain name. Once you do, the domain becomes part of your email address. This means you become [email protected] instead of [email protected] The same domain registration site where you purchased and set up your domain can walk you through the process of setting up one or more email accounts. As long as you keep your domain name, you keep your email address. You become one with your branding. Remember, when an attorney sees your business card one of his first impressions of you is your email address. Make it a good one.

Finally, remember to login to the NACLNC® Community at LegalNurse.com and review the guidelines on use of the CLNC® Certification mark and the NACLNC® collective mark before you register your domain name. For example, you cannot include CLNC® or NACLNC® in your domain name since they’re registered trademarks that belong to LegalNurse.com.

With more and more business being conducted via email, Certified Legal Nurse Consultants must remain in tune to their brands and what they’re branding through that email.

Success Is Inside!

P.S. Comment and share the funniest email addresses you’ve ever come across.

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*The opinions and statements made by Vickie Milazzo, the founder of Medical-Legal Consulting Institute, Inc. are based on her experiences and expertise, should not be applied beyond the specific context provided, and do not guaranty or project actual results. Vickie Milazzo is no longer involved in the operations or management of the business, but is involved as an independent education consultant.

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