Was 2017 better for you than 2016? If not, maybe it’s time to invoke Einstein’s genius thinking “You can’t solve a problem with the same mind that created it.”
This favorite quote is one of the most profound thoughts that I’ve called upon over and over for both my legal nurse consulting business and life challenges. I think you’ll find it true for you also. The same mind that got you into a situation you’re unhappy with (a dead-end nursing job, bad diet, not enough attorney-clients…) is rarely the mind that’s going to help you to transcend that situation.
If you want 2018 to be different and better, you’ll have to break out of your same mind by changing small actions and behaviors. Once you create a new mind you’ll find new and better choices and solutions are waiting for you.
Wishing you the best for 2018!
P.S. Comment here and share how you’ll change your mind to solve a problem you’ve created.