Exhibiting is one of my favorite marketing strategies, right up there with referrals from attorney-clients and networking with everyone you know. And that’s exactly what the CLNC® Marketing Mentors and I are doing this week – exhibiting.
To help spread the word about Certified Legal Nurse Consultants and the National Alliance of Certified Legal Nurse Consultants (NACLNC®) we decided to take the bull by the horns and market you to attorneys on their own turf. This week we’re in Baltimore at the American Association for Justice (AAJ) Annual Convention. As the Institute’s Marketing Mentor, Evie says, “Getting attorneys is easy when you put yourself in front of them by exhibiting at their legal conferences.” The NACLNC Association has exhibited at many of the major legal conferences this year and will continue to promote you and your CLNC peers for the second half of 2014 and into the future. We are spreading awareness of how Certified Legal Nurse Consultants are the attorneys’ secret weapons on their medical-related cases.
If you are interested in exhibiting with our CLNC Marketing Mentors at a legal conference contact the Institute at 713.942.2200 and ask to speak to Evie. Maybe it’s time for you to put yourself on the attorney’s turf too – unless you’re even more afraid of getting the cases than talking to attorneys. LOL!
I’m Just Sayin’
P.S. Comment and share your favorite experience exhibiting at a legal conference.
Thank you for promoting us all!!
I hope you get the chance to talk to Lisa Blue, President of AAJ. I enjoyed exhibiting and look forward to the next one. The attorneys are easy to talk to when they approach your table. Even when you catch them in the hallway, they love to be introduced and meet you.
The exhibiting experience was excellent!! I found it to be very worthwhile and helpful. Thanks to Evie and you for your help and the opportunity to participate! I’ve learned life lessons to help me move forward! Best wishes to all!