I know many Certified Legal Nurse Consultants with old computers, maybe not with monochrome screens but close. I also know many CLNC® consultants with brand spanking new, or nearly new, Macs, Windows 8 and Windows 7 machines. If you’re still running Windows XP, it’s really time to move. If you’re running Internet Explorer on a Windows XP machine take heed of this notice from CERT, a division of the Department of Homeland Security. Running IE and XP creates a security risk for your computer and Cert recommends you move to a different browser. I recommend Firefox or Chrome and I recommend you move quickly.
No matter the age of your computer, my CLNC amigos need to keep your web browsers up to date. Some are easier to do than others – Google’s® Chrome® browser updates itself. Firefox® can be set to do the same. Even Internet Explorer® 11 can be set to automatically update either by itself or as part of Windows updates (which you should do anyway). Safari® seems to update itself, but I can’t find any settings to tell it to do so – or to tell it to stop doing so – typical for an Apple® product.
No matter what browser you use in your legal nurse consulting business, keep it up to date to make sure it has all the latest security settings and so that you are able to view websites, blogs and videos like the CLNC® Online Certification Program the way they were intended to be seen.
Keep on Techin’,
P.S. Comment and share what browser you use and why.