Brand Your CLNC® Business with the NACLNC® Member Seal
Now you can give your Certified Legal Nurse Consultant business the status, prestige and super-power marketing appeal of the NACLNC brand. Your CLNC Certification entitles you to display the National Alliance of Certified Legal Nurse Consultants Member Seal on your CLNC website and emails.
Visitors can click the NACLNC Member Seal and be linked to an NACLNC Association web page describing the types of cases a CLNC consultant is trained to consult on and the types of services a CLNC consultant provides. This page will support your marketing message about the value of your nursing expertise.
It will also show attorneys the credibility of your legal nurse consulting training and CLNC Certification.
Displaying the NACLNC Member Seal is quick and easy – and it’s FREE to all members of the National Alliance of Certified Legal Nurse Consultants. Just follow the instructions below to add the NACLNC Member Seal to your website and email signature.
‘A brand you know and trust…’ How often have you heard that expression? Whether it’s dishwasher detergent or a new car, we all prefer to buy a brand we know and trust. In fact, studies have shown that 76% of consumers would be more likely to contact a business backed by a known brand name than they would to deal with a ‘no-name’ company.
NACLNC® Member Seal Download Instructions
Email Signature
Follow the steps below to add the NACLNC Member Seal to your email signature:
Step 1: Right-click on the NACLNC Member Seal image below and select Copy Image.
Step 2: Paste the copied image into your CLNC email signature.
Step 3: Follow the instructions for your specific email client to link the NACLNC Member Seal image to the NACLNC Association page:
Follow the steps below to add the NACLNC Member Seal to your CLNC website:
Step 1: Select from one of two NACLNC Member Seal display sizes:
Version 1: Small NACLNC Member Seal
This version is 160 pixels wide by 66 pixels tall and is ideal for placement in your website footer or where limited space is available.Version 2: Large NACLNC Member Seal
This version is 314 pixels wide by 130 pixels tall and is best suited for placement where more space is available.
Step 2: To download, right-click on the NACLNC Member Seal image above and select Save Image As.
Step 3: Upload the NACLNC Member Seal image to your website and add the link to the NACLNC Association Membership page. Use this code to add the link:
Please note you will need to add the link to the uploaded seal image in the code above (see highlight).