The New Year is almost upon us and it’s time to look back at the lessons we’ve learned in 2017 and put those lessons into play in 2018. All Certified Legal Nurse Consultants need to move forward and there’s no better time to do so than while the future is ahead of us.
Here are the top 4 lessons all CLNC® consultants should have learned in 2017:
- Upgrade software judiciously.
- Back up early and often.
- Take a tutorial.
- Use social media for work only during the workday.
Each of those lessons came at a cost. Upgrading software to a newer buggier version can cost you lots and lots of lost billable hours and productivity in your legal nurse consulting business. Failing to back-up documents to an external drive, the cloud or a server will wreak havoc on you when, not if, your computer fails in the middle of a legal nurse consultant job.
Not taking tutorials to learn how to use software or legal nurse consulting research websites will result in more delays and lost productivity. If you don’t know how to create a table in Word®, create page breaks or headers for your legal nurse consulting work product just search on the Internet – you’ll find all sorts of tips, tutorials and YouTube® videos explaining how to do just about anything you’re looking for.
Finally, social media is a tool just like everything else you use in your business. Use it for business, set a goal, say how many attorneys you want to reach out to on social media, do that task and limit the time you spend by not allowing yourself to get distracted by recipes, funny cat videos or any other waste of billable hours.
For 2018, I can see that some of you will need some refresher coaching, so let me give you the first four technology resolutions you should make, and absolutely NOT break. Here are 4 ready-made 2018 New Years’ Resolutions:
- I will upgrade the OS or iOS on my computer and phone judiciously.
- I will back up my computer, phone and all their data on a regular basis.
- I will take a tutorial to learn how to [Insert what you need to learn here].
- I will use only use social media for legal nurse consulting-related work during the workday.
If you haven’t noticed, these address the same issues you failed to do last year. Consider this a second chance to put these resolutions into place for your legal nurse consulting business.
Keep on Techin’,
P.S. Comment here and share any additional technology-related New Year’s resolutions you’ll either be making or recommend for the rest of us.