
What Certified Legal Nurse Consultants Should Do Before Breakfast

In the 21st-century one of our biggest challenges is attaining balance while wearing the productivity badge of honor. My personal strategy for staying balanced is to wake up just for me – not Tom, email or that looming legal nurse consulting project. I wake up at 4:00am to carve out “me” time – well before the rest of the world starts stirring. And during that time I quietly enjoy two cups of healthy green tea to prep myself before leaving my cocoon and entering the real world and the craziness that goes with it.

I have an excruciatingly hectic schedule for my legal nurse consulting business and I joke with Tom that working 12-hours shifts at an RN hospital job would be a break in contrast to my travel schedule and the frequent 16-hour days. But even when I’m traveling, or launching into one of those 16-hour days, my day always starts with “me.”

I can’t wait to get out of bed each morning – there really is something magical about not having to wake up and roll over to face a “To-Do” list. Carving out time for yourself, however, is of no value if after those steadying “me” moments you’re totally frazzled. Balance also has to come from your state of mind. And that’s what my morning time is all about – training my mind to stay in balance, no matter the chaos.

We all know that one crazy busy person who runs 120-mph all day long and does so gracefully, never seeming to come apart at the seams. We also all know at least one person who doesn’t have much to do, but gets totally overwhelmed and unbalanced by the smallest task or challenge. Which one are you (today)?

I can’t claim to be balanced all day, every day. After all, I’m Italian. LOL. Some days are better than others, but every day I give myself the best start I can – it’s my only shot. If waking up at 4:00am isn’t for you, I get it. But whatever time you choose, start the day just for you – even if it’s just 15 minutes. And when you do, watch your legal nurse consulting productivity soar.

I’m Just Sayin’

P.S. Comment and share your tips for balancing work, family and all of life’s craziness.

2 thoughts on “What Certified Legal Nurse Consultants Should Do Before Breakfast

  1. I am going to give this a try, and I do like hot healthy green tea.

    I have had this mode of drinking coffee and watching the news first. I think the news often times can be depressing. Talk about getting started on the left foot.

    I am looking forward to watching my legal nurse consulting productivity soar.

  2. I do this too; then run to the gym, then to my day job, then do marketing for my CLNC® business.

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*The opinions and statements made by Vickie Milazzo, the founder of Medical-Legal Consulting Institute, Inc. are based on her experiences and expertise, should not be applied beyond the specific context provided, and do not guaranty or project actual results. Vickie Milazzo is no longer involved in the operations or management of the business, but is involved as an independent education consultant.

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