When LegalNurse.com staffers and CLNC subcontractors complain to me about all of the interruptions getting in the way of their productivity, I usually respond, “Interruptions are work too.” In 2014 most of us rarely have the luxury of working without interruptions. That’s one of the reasons I get up at zero dark thirty – because anyone who would probably be inclined to interrupt me is quietly enjoying a REM cycle and sleeping as late as they can before dragging themselves into work.
Once the world wakes up, and eventually it will no matter what time you arise, this one strategy guarantees increased productivity for Certified Legal Nurse Consultants. The strategy is to “stay in the moment.” Staying in the moment and not thinking about the impending deadline or the 10 other medical malpractice cases on your desk, should be as natural or involuntary as breathing.
Staying in the moment – you are more relaxed. Focusing on the past or the future only contributes to increased tension and anxiety which bring productivity to a standstill. When those low level thoughts involving the past and future interfere with your moment, remember this – the past is over and the future might never come.
This mindset of staying in the moment is the only possible guarantee of your CLNC success. Oh yeah – and to the rest of your life too.
I’m Just Sayin’
P.S. Comment and share what you do to stay in the moment.
I have started each day lately with reading for half an hour to an hour. Not news, but something inspiring or otherwise enjoyable. I find I am more grounded throughout the day, which includes dealing with interruptions. It’s a joy to get out of bed now!
Good advice……someone also told me …..finish what you touch…..that has helped me along the way.
Phone calls can be an interruption or an opportunity. For the past two years, every single time I get a call on my business phone I do my lively, “Rosebud Legal Nurse Consulting, this is Rosie, how can I help you?” Most calls are Robo calls and they hang up and some were lonely souls who wanted to talk to someone. One such lonely caller gave me an idea to look for the Advanced CLNC® Practice-Building Program topics for cases and the topic was there. I learned something new that day.
It gets exciting when an attorney calls and I get a new case.