
How to Transform Your CLNC® Business Without Unnecessary Motions

Have you ever noticed that people who are exhausted all the time are the ones who expend a huge amount of unnecessary motion?

You got into legal nurse consulting to have more of a life than you did as a hospital RN. To be a successful Certified Legal Nurse Consultant, and successful in your life, there can be no wasted energy or motions. Whining and complaining about something you have no control over is a waste of energy. Doing something twice because you didn’t do it right the first time is a waste of motion. Keep up such bad habits long enough and something has to give. And the something that will give is your CLNC business, the quality of your life and probably even your health.

Your CLNC business, life and motions are terrible things to waste. You’re a nurse. Use your assessment skills to assess yourself. Are you wasting motion or using it to take back control of your CLNC business and your life?

I’m Just Askin’

P.S. Comment and share how you keep from wasting motion.

One thought on “How to Transform Your CLNC® Business Without Unnecessary Motions

  1. Great food for thought, Vickie. My answer to that is a re-evaluation every single day. Everyday I get up and I try to think of ways that I could be doing something better to save more time, energy, and thought. Not trying to “reinvent the wheel,” but as my business grows, I try to prepare for that growth and be ready when those cases keep rolling in. One trial I have faced lately is as my business IS growing, I am beginning to need help and I need to delegate work to others. However, those “others” don’t seem to want to work. So instead of begging, borrowing, and pleading, I found someone else to do what I need done, when I need it done!!!

    And it is working great!! I have the time I need to work my cases!! Have a great week and we are successful CLNC’s!!

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*The opinions and statements made by Vickie Milazzo, the founder of Medical-Legal Consulting Institute, Inc. are based on her experiences and expertise, should not be applied beyond the specific context provided, and do not guaranty or project actual results. Vickie Milazzo is no longer involved in the operations or management of the business, but is involved as an independent education consultant.

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