I don’t know about you, but there’s nothing I like less than going to bookmark a webpage and having to click on either Bookmarks and then Bookmark This Page or onto Favorites, then Add to Favorites or some other such multi-step process. When you’re a busy Certified Legal Nurse Consultant, time does equal money so here’s a time-saver for all my CLNC® amigos. Instead of mousing about, clicking and clicking to bookmark your new, favorite legal nurse consulting resource, just hold down your Control button and hit the “D” button or “Ctrl-D” in tech-speak.
In just about every mainstream web browser the Ctrl-D combination will quickly open your bookmarks option and let you add a bookmark for whatever page you’re on. Depending upon your browser you may even have the option on how/where to file or categorize that bookmark.
Now you can speed up your web-based legal nurse consulting research and keep your nose to the grindstone.
Keep on techin’,
P.S. Comment and share your favorite web browser shortcut here.