Promise 1: I Will Live and Work a Passionate Life for my Legal Nurse Consulting Business

Promise 1: I Will Live and Work a Passionate Life for my Legal Nurse Consulting Business

We all know when we discover something we feel passionate about. We feel amazingly energetic. Desire is energy. Have you ever experienced a time when desire overcame all physical, emotional and intellectual barriers? Like a child waking up on Christmas morning, you spring alert full speed ahead. Why can’t we experience that passion – that vitality and energy – not only on Christmas but every day? Believe me, you can. When you wake up every day to a life and career that are your heart and soul, a life and career you’re passionate about, you experience maximum joy.

One of my passions was ignited in me when I was eight years old. For hours each day I taught an imaginary class. I was so absorbed with my class that my dad would come in and break it up to encourage me to play outside with my real friends. To this day I have no idea what I was teaching, but I was darned passionate about it.

At eight years old teaching was play. At 28, I turned that passion for teaching into a business, and I’ve been playing ever since. When I left my hospital job as an RN to start my legal nurse consulting business, I promised myself I would work only my passions. That decision proved more important than I realized. Along the way I’ve been tempted by many flattering and interesting offers, the most tempting of which was joining a powerful law firm as a partner my first year out of law school. But I always stop and listen to my heart. When we live and work our passions, we take an uncompromising approach. It means being honest with yourself and others about what you value.

As The New York Times reported, I “crossed nursing with the law and created a new profession” when I started teaching other nurses how to become legal nurse consultants. That’s the kind of BIG Thing that can happen when you commit to Promise 1, to living and working a passionate life.

Commit to Promise 1 right now and you’ll discover the passions that will propel you to a totally fulfilled future.

Success Is Inside!

P.S. Comment and share how your legal nurse consulting business creates passion in your life.

P.P.S. Act on Promise #1 and be 1 OF ONLY 8 APPRENTICES at the next Private NACLNC® Apprenticeship. Experience five full action-packed days and do everything a practicing CLNC® consultant does – call 713.942.2200 now to register.

6 thoughts on “Promise 1: I Will Live and Work a Passionate Life for my Legal Nurse Consulting Business

  1. I 1,000% know that Vickie is right about this. Being a Legal Nurse Consultant has given me and my family the exciting independent life style we always wanted. Last month I was offered a full-time position that a couple of years ago I would have been thrilled with. But I would have had to devote all my time, passion and energy toward someone else’s dream. Fortunately, my husband (who has always supported my CLNC® business) reminded me of all the reasons why that job was not what I really wanted. Then I immediately got two new cases from lawyers. One was from an attorney I had never worked for before. I had given him my card and a 30 second speech at a luncheon we both attended after Christmas! The other was from an attorney who handled my hairdresser’s divorce. I was able to use my knowledge and expertise in both these cases to undercover information that was crucial. I love my CLNC® business and feel passionate about what I am doing, really helping people and making a lot of money, one lawyer at a time!

  2. How true this is. I have found that in everything life throws my way, I have been selective in what appeals to me and my passion and what I can offer in the way of services. I don’t want just a job that is boring, uninteresting, and leaves me feeling empty. I want a job that makes me want to jump out of bed in the morning, that sustains me where my passion shines through. I find as a CLNC® consultant and LHRM I can fulfill my desires and I am passionate about what I do each and every day. Thank you for sharing this topic and experiences!

  3. Thank you Vickie for reminder #1. Life is too short not to spend it doing what you are passionate about, in work and in play. Personally, five surgeries and a new hip & femur implant later, I decided that nothing will keep my from my passion for running and I am doing it. Professionally I decided to use my expertise to build the career that I chose. I believe my passion is shining through as I’ve received 2 referrals in the past few days! Don’t settle for anything less than your desire!

  4. Life is too short! It is so important to follow your passion. I have applied every word in Vickie’s Core Curriculum and I am amazed at the response I have receive from an attorney. It is refreshing to be part of a profession where there is no glass ceiling! Onward and upward.

  5. Thanks Vickie for this timely article.

    We all go through up’s and down’s in our passionate CLNC® adventures, and occasionally need a reminder to recommit. And as part of our passionate life, we must remember the other passions that should become part of our daily walk. Not everything about our lives are passions, but passion is the main “shuttle booster” to accomplishing and living our visions.

    Your vision, wisdom and willing to share with all of us are the model I choose to follow in my life. You are an inspiration to every woman!

  6. Thank you, Vickie, for the reminder. All my life I wanted to be a nurse (I still have my Nurse Nancy Golden Book). I did just that and was torn between teaching and nursing..so I did both..I loved my staff education position. However, by the time I resigned as a DON six years ago I was so fried I never wanted to do it again.

    My passion has been renewed thanks to the CLNC® class with you and I look forward to getting my teeth into it again!!

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*The opinions and statements made by Vickie Milazzo, the founder of Medical-Legal Consulting Institute, Inc. are based on her experiences and expertise, should not be applied beyond the specific context provided, and do not guaranty or project actual results. Vickie Milazzo is no longer involved in the operations or management of the business, but is involved as an independent education consultant.

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