Christina received one of her biggest cases from the NACLNC® Directory. She also credits networking and subcontracting with CLNC consultants she meets at the National Alliance of Certified Legal Nurse Consultants conferences for her success.
Networking with Certified Legal Nurse Consultants Helped RN Quit Full-Time Job at the Hospital
Video – Christina Krager, RN, BSN, CCRN, TNCC, NREMT-B, EMT-P, CLNC
Certified Legal Nurse Consultant Christina Krager, RN, BSN, CCRN, TNCC, NREMT-B, EMT-P, CLNC is thrilled that her legal nurse consulting business has expanded to replace her full-time RN job at the hospital. She credits networking and subcontracting with other CLNC consultants for her success.
Christina received one of her biggest cases from the NACLNC® Directory. She also networks and subcontracts with CLNC consultants she meets at the National Alliance of Certified Legal Nurse Consultants conferences.
Hiring CLNC subcontractors in different specialties leverages their time, energy, talents and efforts allowing you to consult on unlimited numbers and types of medical-related cases for attorneys.
Networking through the NACLNC Conferences, the NACLNC Directory and your CLNC Alliance all provide prime opportunities to grow your legal nurse consulting business beyond you and your personal expertise.
Congratulations Christina for recognizing the importance of networking and subcontracting.
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