Catherine shares how Microsoft® recognizes the value of her CLNC Certification. Another way Certified Legal Nurse Consultants are making a difference in a variety of industries.
Microsoft Recognizes the Importance of Certification
Video – Catherine Glenz, RN, BSN, CHISP, CLNC
“Certified Legal Nurse Consultants don’t just work with attorneys. They also apply their CLNC® experience to corporations. Catherine Glenz, RN, BSN, CHISP, CLNC shares how her employer, Microsoft®, recognizes the value of her CLNC Certification in her role as a subject matter specialist and nurse executive. Watch and listen to the variety of ways Cathy puts her CLNC Certification to work at Microsoft.”
“Congratulations, Cathy and thanks for sharing yet another way Certified Legal Nurse Consultants are making a difference in a variety of industries”.
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