5 Certified Legal Nurse Consultants Advise What You Can Do for Your CLNC® Business During the COVID-19 Pandemic

5 Certified Legal Nurse Consultants Advise What You Can Do for Your CLNC® Business During the COVID-19 Pandemic

If COVID-19 has you wondering whether you should be putting your CLNC® business on hold while we’re all on stay-at-home orders, the answer is an emphatic No.

Five Certified Legal Nurse Consultants Suzanne E. Arragg, RN, BSN, CDONA/LTC, CLNC, Dale Barnes, RN, MSN, PHN, CLNC, Dorene Goldstein, RNC, BSN, CLNC, Robert Malaer, RN, MSN, PMHN, SANE, CNLCP, CALM, CLNC and Michelle Neal, RN, BSN, CLNC advise what you can do for your CLNC business right now.

  1. Think about your current case load. What cases warrant further work-up beyond the initial document review? Has discovery commenced? Reach out to your attorney-client to offer assistance with developing interrogatories. Determine what further documents are necessary to bolster your attorney-client’s case. Put a list together and email it to your attorney-client.
  2. Keep the lines of communication open via email. Remind your attorney-clients that you’re open for business.
  3. Network and use social media to remind attorney-prospects that CLNC consultants already employ shelter-in-place strategies while analyzing medical records and that you continue to be fully operational.
  4. Search the NACLNC® Directory. Reach out to current Certified Legal Nurse Consultants and inquire about their need for CLNC subcontractors on projects that require your unique clinical specialty.

    – Suzanne E. Arragg, RN, BSN, CDONA/LTC, CLNC

  5. Review your business plan and marketing plan and update accordingly. If you haven’t already developed your business plan, now is the time.
  6. Draft letters of introduction and compile promotional packages, so you have them ready to go as you research and identify attorneys you want to market to.
  7. Network through the Directory for Certified Legal Nurse Consultants. This is an excellent time to start subcontracting and working with CLNC consultants who already have cases in progress.
  8. Create your sample work product. You can either develop a hypothetical sample work product or use the case studies you completed in the CLNC Online Certification Program.

    – Dale Barnes, RN, MSN, PHN, CLNC

  9. Brainstorm topics for an information newsletter. Publish it on your website and/or send it electronically to attorney-prospects and attorney-clients.
  10. Create sample work product based on your nursing experience. Use the tools that you received during the CLNC Online Certification Program to format a 3-5 page brief report or chronological timeline with comments and opinions. This will be more impactful when you show sample reports to attorney-prospects because it’s based on your actual experiences.
  11. Create a list of attorney-prospects utilizing Internet research and databases such as Martindale.com and Lawyers.com.
  12. Refine your 90-day marketing plan. Set new, measurable objectives and goals.
  13. Update your resume and refine it to highlight your CLNC business. Don’t forget to include your unique selling position (USP).
  14. Develop a mail-call-mail-call campaign to local and out-of-state attorneys. If an attorney’s email address is listed on their website, send the letters electronically.
  15. Reach out to your CLNC peers in the NACLNC Directory and inquire about subcontracting.
  16. Retie the connection. Reach out to attorneys you have marketed to in the past and remind them that you’re still here to assist with their medical-related cases.
  17. Remember the promises you made in the CLNC Certification Program. Commit to being a success student for life and go for what you want. And remember what Vickie says, “We Are Nurses and We Can Do Anything!®”

    – Dorene Goldstein, RNC, BSN, CLNC

  18. Identify 25-50 law firms to contact. Review the law firms’ websites to obtain the contact information for the attorneys and paralegals. Call each law firm and request to speak to each attorney and paralegal. If they’re not available, request an email address and request to leave a voicemail.Follow up within three days by sending an email to every attorney and paralegal you contacted. Be sure your email includes an introductory letter addressed to the specific individual, an electronic brochure, a link to your professional website and your resume.Within seven days of the initial phone call, follow up with a marketing mailout that includes a follow-up letter, business card, brochure and resume.
  19. Write and publish legal nurse consulting articles on social media such as LinkedIn and join legal groups in social media.
  20. Record informative videos on the CLNC services you provide and post them to social media such as LinkedIn.
  21. Reach out to your current and prior attorney-clients and request testimonials that you can include on your website and in your marketing materials.

    – Robert Malaer, RN, MSN, PMHN, SANE, CNLCP, CALM, CLNC

  22. Catch up on your long list of pending cases. Since the courts are closed, the COVID-19 lockdown presents a unique opportunity to get ahead.
  23. Use this extra free time you’ve been blessed with and get to work. If you’re a new Certified Legal Nurse Consultant, there’s no better time than now to set up your CLNC business and start marketing. Don’t make excuses; excuses won’t make CLNC success.
  24. Contact attorney-prospects. Attorneys aren’t busy with trials, mediations or depositions and have more time right now to review your resume, promotional package and sample work product. When the COVID-19 pandemic is over attorneys will remember you.

    – Michelle Neal, RN, BSN, CLNC

Thanks to Suzanne, Dale, Dorene, Michelle and Robert for sharing what legal nurse consultants can do for your CLNC business during the COVID-19 pandemic. As Certified Legal Nurse Consultant, Robert Malaer describes, “The most important thing all Certified Legal Nurse Consultants should remember is that attorneys may not be working in the office, but the wheels of justice are still turning, and your CLNC services are still needed.” CLNC consultant, Michelle Neal adds “Fill your time wisely. Make the best of it. Be hopeful. Turn this unprecedented time into your CLNC success story.”

Be safe and stay healthy,
Vickie L. Milazzo, RN, MSN, JD

P.S. Comment and share what you’re doing for your legal nurse consulting business right now.

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*The opinions and statements made by Vickie Milazzo, the founder of Medical-Legal Consulting Institute, Inc. are based on her experiences and expertise, should not be applied beyond the specific context provided, and do not guaranty or project actual results. Vickie Milazzo is no longer involved in the operations or management of the business, but is involved as an independent education consultant.

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