Within the last couple of weeks the coronavirus has changed our world dramatically. Some of us are on mandatory lockdown and most of the rest of us have imposed voluntary lockdowns on ourselves.
If you’re an RN on the frontlines of healthcare, myself, the staff at LegalNurse.com and all Certified Legal Nurse Consultants are in gratitude for what you’re doing for the well-being of your fellow Americans.
Most of you on those frontlines have shared that you don’t feel safe and protected at your RN jobs in the hospitals at this time. Your safety and the safety of your families are at the top of our prayer list.
If you’re consulting full-time as a CLNC® consultant you’re probably hunkered down right now and that’s a smart thing to do. If you’re on the frontlines of healthcare you’re already doing your fair share. For the rest of us, I have some thoughts on small ways we can contribute.
- Take care of family and friends. I have two family members (a husband and wife) who are not working due to restaurant closures. Tom and I are making sure their family is financially secure during this time. You might not be able to replace someone’s salary, but just sending a spare Benjamin ($100) or two to someone in need will mean the world to them.
- Take care of the people who take care of you. Tom and I are avoiding unnecessary contact with others which currently includes our housekeeper and trainer. We chose to still pay them for the services they would have provided if we weren’t all in lockdown. Of course my chef, masseuse, pool and cabana boys still come for now (JUST KIDDING!).
- Take a walk outside and wave to your neighbors (from a safe and polite distance). Last night our neighborhood was jamming with people walking the streets. It made my heart sing to know that we’re all in this together (stir-crazy or not). Unless there are imposed restrictions, get out and walk 3-5 times a day. Your mental, emotional and physical energy will benefit, and every day will feel a little less like Groundhog Day.
- Call, text or Facetime family and friends more frequently. I have an amazing support team of friends and loved ones. I’m noticing that we’re communicating more frequently and our phone calls are lasting longer. You too can get creative. Saturday, we had a play date with friends from out-of-state and played some dice and card games via Facetime. It wasn’t the same since I couldn’t physically take their virtual money, but it was the next best thing to being together.
- Adopt an elderly person and make sure he/she is okay. You may not be able to visit them, but you sure can deliver groceries, wine and other necessary supplies and make phone calls and virtual visits to keep their spirits up.
- Expand your giving to people you don’t know. We all know what we are capable of and what we can give up for others in need. Do what you can. I for one am challenging myself to stretch a bit in the giving department.
- Take care of you. Thanks to the lockdowns, most of us have more free time on our hands. This is the perfect opportunity to reconnect with you and re-learn what it looks like to take better care of self. You can only contribute to others if you, yourself, are thriving.
- Eat real foods. Don’t make the coronavirus into a reason to eat more chips and donuts. Did you notice junk foods were the first to fly off the shelves? Cook some healthy dishes you can also freeze (in case you can’t cook later) and boost your immune system while you’re at it.
- Exercise daily. Early man didn’t have gyms, yoga studios, barre classes or treadmills. Get creative. You can do a wealth of workouts at home – all it takes is motivation.
- Sleep eight hours a night. Sure it’s tempting to stay up late bingeing on the news, but the body heals and restores itself while you’re sleeping. Start tonight.
- Wash your hands constantly and incessantly. I know I don’t need to say this to nurses, but your family might read this blog and you can quote me: “If you touch your phone – wash your hands. If you touch your face – wash your hands. If you touch anything whatsoever – wash your hands. And just for general principles – wash your hands.”
- Enjoy a soak in the tub. Epsom salts and bubble bath are available just about everywhere. A little “Mister Bubble” in the tub can change your whole outlook. You don’t need a hot tub or jacuzzi. This is an ideal time to start indulging in a little “me” time. Light a candle, have a glass of wine and transport yourself to a place of calm.
- Visit a virtual museum and appreciate the beauty. There’s a lot more on the Internet than “fake news” and Facebook rumors. Spend some time on a virtual tour of a museum you may not get to visit physically.
- Read a good book. I’ve got a stack of fiction on my shelves that I’ve been too busy to get to. I’m sure you have some too. Spend a few minutes reading each morning with a book and a cup of healthy green tea and maybe each evening with a book and a healthy glass of red wine. We’re supposed to limit screen time before bed, so books are perfect!
- Indulge in a good movie or favorite TV series. I love the diversity of programming on Netflix. There are more shows, movies and productions than I’ll ever get to watch. And that’s not even including Hulu and Amazon Prime. Catch up with your favorite shows and offer your brain some simple, anti-stress pleasure. Just don’t get addicted. Lockdown is not going to last forever.
- Get off the news. Of course you want to stay up with what’s happening out there, but being tethered to the news 24/7 will only drain your energy. I’m convinced that all this negative news can’t be good for our immune systems either. Check in 2-3 times a day with a legitimate news source and you’ll have everything you need to make intelligent decisions.
- Focus on your CLNC business. To all of my CLNC friends, this is the perfect time to revise your business and marketing plans. Research the attorneys you want to market to and continue to network with anyone and everyone on Facebook and LinkedIn. You can also research legal conferences where you plan to exhibit your CLNC business. Once we come out on the other side everyone will be glad to see you and you’re better positioned to thrive financially for the people you love.
- Beat a deadline (or two). Most of you work electronically and can easily stay in communication with your attorney-clients. Use your extra free time to buckle down and get the work done. When the coronavirus crisis resolves your legal nurse consultant jobs will probably be crazier than ever, so get ahead now while you have the chance.
We don’t know what the next months will hold or what our world will look like when we come out on the other side. But what I do know in my heart is that we will come out of this stronger, more loving and filled with more gratitude for our abundant blessings. Be well.
P.S. Comment and share your thoughts on how Certified Legal Nurse Consultants can contribute during the coronavirus lockdown.
P.P.S. The LegalNurse.com staff and CLNC Mentors are all safe and working remotely. We are fully operational and are here for you.
This is an awesome message. Thanks for sharing.
Hi! I’m your student in the CLNC® Online Certification Program right now! I haven’t been studying since last week because I started a community group called Columbiana Cares Help Exchange and we have blown up! 1000+ members. We are helping anyone, anywhere with whatever we can. Please join and spread the word. There’s lots of things that can be done.
Great message! Thanks for sharing your suggestions and words of encouragement! Much appreciated!
Hi! Thanks for the great advice! I’m finishing up the CLNC® Certification Program but working too in Brooklyn, which is now the epicenter. We are swamped. Pray for us! P.S. Looking forward to my new CLNC career sometime soon.
Excellent and very doable suggestions Vickie. Most of which I am doing with my whole heart. We must take care of ourselves before we take care of others. In every way. Physically of course, but spiritually as well. I find that morning stretches and meditation are highly beneficial now to keep random fears at bay. It’s a great time to write that long letter to an old friend since you got their last Christmas card. How about studying a few expressions in another language for when travel finally resumes…and it will. The walks after supper are wonderful to wave to neighbors and be cheerful. Just showing you care with a quick phone call or text is easy yet so appreciated. This is the only life on earth we’re going to get. Let’s make the most of it. Carpe Diem.
Thanks everyone for taking the time to let us know how you’re doing. Stay safe. Love, Vickie
HI Vickie and my fellow nurse friends! I just passed the CLNC® Certification Exam so am now officially a Certified Legal Nurse Consultant! Honestly, the studying and reviewing of the CLNC® Certification Program and Core Curriculum for Legal Nurse Consulting® textbook have helped me stay sharp, focused and sane. My meditation and prayer and exercise times have increased. My gratitude has insanely increased. Although it is stressful working my full time RN job in long term care in Boulder, CO where residents and staff have tested positive, there has been much unification and an upheaval of endurance of spirit. My marketing materials will be at my doorstep soon and I will join ya’ll to help the healthcare and legal systems join as one to make this world a better place one case at a time. Love and blessings!