To become a high achiever and grow your legal nurse consulting business every year you have to show up new and better year after year. And that takes more than talent.
Growth for both you and your CLNC® business requires repetitive, focused and deliberate practice designed to specifically improve performance. You can only improve performance if you know what needs improving and that takes honest self-analysis.
High achievers are able to assess how they’re doing. They don’t need someone to watch over them or push them. The CLNC consultant can recognize she’s not answering the attorney’s question quite correctly and pull it together swiftly. Practice the answers to the interview questions over and over and you appear as an eloquent pro (or at least a practiced pro) to any attorney who meets you for the first time. But that only works if you assess each attorney interaction. I don’t mean obsess over what you should have said. I mean really ask yourself, “Was I relevant?” “Was I succinct?” “Was my communication effective?”
Consciously make practice and assessment a part of your CLNC business and require the same of your vendors, subcontractors and even attorney-clients. There is no stronger compliment than a vendor, subcontractor or attorney telling you they are better at what they do because of you. You can only do that if you’re working to be the best you.
Master practice and self-analysis as you would in an RN job and you’ll never be the same Certified Legal Nurse Consultant again.
Success Is Yours,
P.S. Comment and share how you are mastering practice and self-analysis.