
Vickie’s Favorite Quotes: Unknown

I thrive on motion. I love imagining a new project and moving it along to the finish line. A finish line is, however nothing more than an illusion, for there is no such thing as a finish line in life.


Likewise there is no finish line in our legal nurse consulting businesses. If we had a finish line we’d have only one journey. I love waking up every day knowing there’s more journeys of my choosing (and some not of my choosing) ahead.

It’s the journey I live for. How about you? Finish line or journey for your legal nurse consulting business? Which do you live for?

I’m Just Askin’

P.S. Comment and share what you love more – the finish line or the journey.


2 thoughts on “Vickie’s Favorite Quotes: Unknown

  1. I don’t know if this will fit but I’ll try…oh yes, it’s all about the journey!
    The Journey
    Music by: Ben Davis
    Lyrics by: Ron Rentz, RN

    Verse 1
    Of all the things I’ve done
    Battles lost and battles won
    If I take the time to count
    The things that can’t be charged to my charge account
    Things I did or didn’t say
    Seem meaningless and far away
    Limited by our fixation
    We’re all hopelessly focused on our destination

    It doesn’t matter where you start
    And it’s not so important where you end
    Please take this thought to heart
    It’s all about the journey, my friend

    Verse 2
    Step lightly and leave no tracks
    There’s no do overs and no take backs
    Living in the past again
    The could of, the should of , the might have been
    Secrets hidden with lock and clasp
    Forever slipping beyond your grasp
    Think of life’s possibilities
    When you let go of the past it’s just memories

    It doesn’t matter where you start
    And it’s not so important where you end
    Please take this thought to heart
    It’s all about the journey, my friend

    Verse 3
    You finally leave your past behind
    You’re certain uncertainty’s what you’ll find
    You panic and you get numb
    With the thought that tomorrow may never come
    So take time, love and laugh today
    It’s the one and only time it will come your way
    It’s so special yet gone so fast
    By tomorrow today’s just a thing of the past

    It doesn’t matter where you start
    And it’s not so important where you end
    Please take this thought to heart
    It’s all about the journey, my friend

    copyright 2012 Geon Records

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*The opinions and statements made by Vickie Milazzo, the founder of Medical-Legal Consulting Institute, Inc. are based on her experiences and expertise, should not be applied beyond the specific context provided, and do not guaranty or project actual results. Vickie Milazzo is no longer involved in the operations or management of the business, but is involved as an independent education consultant.

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