Part of my confidence comes from the CLNC® Certification. The word ‘certified’ carries a lot of weight with attorneys.
I’m Living the Good Life as a CLNC® Consultant and Mother
by Jennifer M. Fougerousse, RN, CLNC
Becoming a Certified Legal Nurse Consultant changed my life. I can take my baby to play group, run errands, exercise, cook dinner – and work – all before my husband comes home. I can take a day off whenever I want and go on vacation without asking for time off. I’m living the good life!
Before becoming a CLNC® consultant, I had 18 months of experience in pediatrics and three years working part time in an outpatient surgery recovery room. When I heard about’s fabulous program, I realized I could use all my nursing skills and experience, yet work at home and more than double my hourly wage. I enrolled in the CLNC Certification Program. Several nights a week, as soon as my daughter went to bed, I’d watch the program. The course is broken down into convenient modules, so I could easily plan my schedule.
Start with a Strong Understanding of What the Attorney Needs
The Institute gave me a strong basic understanding of the law and showed me how to use that knowledge along with my nursing expertise in analyzing medical-related cases. They teach you to think like a lawyer – what they’re looking for, what they need.
When I started my business, an attorney friend became my first client. Two-and-a-half years later he still keeps me busy. I worked for his law firm exclusively until I felt comfortable.
Then I started getting referrals and I went after them, using the Institute’s strategies. I am persistent, following up until I actually speak to the attorney-prospect. Attorneys appreciate my patience and persistence. They often say, “I get so busy. I’m so glad you kept calling.”
Build Confidence with CLNC® Certification and Support
Part of my confidence comes from the CLNC Certification. The word “certified” carries a lot of weight with attorneys.
My confidence also comes from having an enthusiastic support group that wants nothing more than for me to succeed. Whenever I call the Institute, everyone is truly eager to hear about my successes. And I get free CLNC Mentoring. That coaching and support give me the confidence and skills to go out and get more business.
Market Your Way to the Good Life
Recently, I started an information newsletter – another of the Institute’s marketing strategies. Three weeks after I sent it, I got my first call. I’ve been so busy with my attorney-clients that this is an easy way to market without hitting the streets. I can put my newsletter into attorneys’ hands every three months to remind them I’m here. Later, when they need a legal nurse consultant, they remember that newsletter and call me.
Today I have two daughters, ages 3-1/2 and 10 months. My CLNC practice has become increasingly busy so I hired a nanny. In the past seven months, I’ve canceled her only one day. I have never had a slow month.
I earn the same amount of money as I would have made working full time at the hospital, but I only have to put in half the hours. I get to work as much or as little as I want. And I have my beautiful girls coloring at my feet while I type a report.
My proudest accomplishments as a CLNC consultant are starting my business, watching it grow and meeting my first-year goals with ease. I love it when people ask what I do for a living, and I can say, “I own my own business.” I couldn’t ask for a better life.
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