My CLNC® success happened faster than I imagined it could.
After Only 3 Months Following’s System, I’m a Full-Time Certified Legal Nurse Consultant
by Tanya Sanderson, RN, BSN, RCIS, CLNC
My CLNC® success happened faster than I imagined it could. The CLNC Certification Program and NACLNC® Apprenticeship gave me everything I needed. I learned how to write the letters, mail them out, make the follow-up phone calls and get appointments with attorneys. I was totally prepared.
The Institute Taught Me Everything
I sent out eight letters the first time, then nine. I received so many cases, I had to hold off on further marketing until I got them under control. Not that they were really out of control. From the report writing section of the NACLNC Apprenticeship, I knew how to review cases for merit and write my reports. I’ve done several chronologies. Most of my cases are medical malpractice, but I’ve also done a workers’ comp case.
When I completed the CLNC Certification Program, I met with a business advisor. Everything he told me to do I had already learned from the Institute. My husband would talk to business people he knew, then ask me, “Did you do this?” I’d say, “Yes, honey. The Institute taught me everything.”
I tell my attorney-clients that anytime I have a question I can’t answer, I have unlimited access to thousands of Certified Legal Nurse Consultants who have all the collective knowledge I could ever need. It’s reassuring to know the CLNC Mentors are there, too. When I encounter an issue, I’m always impressed with the depth and value of their answers and guidance.
Only one week after I completed the CLNC Certification Program I met with my first attorney-prospect and walked out of his office with two cases. I took that as a sign and turned in my resignation at the hospital.
I’m the Attorney’s “Expert!”
When my first attorney-client found out I had resigned from my nursing job, he promised to do all he could to help my CLNC practice grow. He’s given me several cases and a referral. Another attorney has done the same.
I called one of these referrals and left a message, but didn’t hear back. Then one day, on a whim, I stopped by her office. That turned out to be one of the most exciting events since I started my business. “I’m so glad you came by,” she said and mentioned the attorney who referred me. “When I asked him to help me on this case, he told me his expert would need to review it first.” A moment later it hit me – I was the expert. My attorney-client had called me an “expert.”
My Husband Looks at Me Differently
Every day I love my new CLNC business more. I work at home, take my daughter out to lunch and come and go as I please. Weekends are spent with my family. I attend Saturday-night ball games and never miss a Sunday at church. For the past two years at the hospital, I worked on Christmas Eve and Christmas Day, which are big events when you have small children. Now I’ll never have to work another holiday.
My husband even looks at me differently. In many ways, I’m a country girl. I love gardening in my jogging pants with a bandana on my head and no makeup. Now I wear business suits, I get my hair done and wear makeup every day. I look and feel professional. Sometimes I catch my husband watching me as if I’m a new person in his life. He’s my best friend, and he’s always been respectful, but now he shows me a different kind of respect, an intellectual respect. I see that in my attorney-clients too, and it’s nice.
Following’s System, Any Certified Legal Nurse Consultant Can Succeed
I realized how quickly my success had occurred. After being certified in October, I got started in December and by the end of February had built a flourishing CLNC business. All I did was take the Institute’s advice – and follow it.
Everything I learned in the CLNC Certification Program and NACLNC Apprenticeship paid off. My money and my time were definitely well spent. Each day, I took one action step toward creating my business, even if it was only going to the office supply store and buying staples. The Institute said, “Just go for it,” and I did.
I’ll continue to go for it. As a nurse, I specialized in cardiology. Now I’m learning even more about other disease processes that I learned about in nursing school. Being a CLNC consultant is an amazing new adventure.
Although I’ve already tucked away enough money to pay the bills for three months, I feel confident that the cases will never stop pouring in. I believe any Certified Legal Nurse Consultant can be equally successful – you just have to follow’s system and take one action step every day toward your CLNC success just like the Institute teaches.
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