My perfect day as a Certified Legal Nurse Consultant is a day when I never take my slippers off!
A Day in the Life of Certified Legal Nurse Consultant Rebecca Jones
by Rebecca Jones, RN, MSN, CNM, CLNC
My perfect day as a Certified Legal Nurse Consultant is a day when I never take my slippers off!
The winters in Colorado can be filled with day after day of snow. Don’t get me wrong, I love the snow and one of my most relaxing activities is to watch the snow fall (from the comfort of my living room) with a steaming cup of coffee in my hands and my favorite pair of slippers covering my feet.
I remember one such day. The snow was already almost two feet deep in the yard, schools were cancelled and I was sitting in my second floor office, drinking coffee, watching the snow fall and checking my email. I answered a few questions from my attorney-clients on legal nurse consultant jobs regarding previous reports I had completed. Next I started reviewing a new case.
After a few hours of work, it is my habit to take a break. I might take my old miniature dachshund Annabelle out for a walk, work in my garden, run a few errands or something less exciting and glamorous like start a load of laundry. It was a ‘start a load of laundry’ kind of day so that’s what I did.
I continued working on the new legal nurse consultant job, taking breaks throughout the day. I took time to relax in front of the fire and watch the snow fall and feel gratitude for not having to make the treacherous commute to the hospital which could take two to three hours one way in the current weather.
At the end of the day with three feet of snow on the ground, I had been productive both financially and emotionally. I completed a brief report on the new case, completed some necessary household chores and most importantly took care of me with down time and activities that are good for my soul.
I did it all without leaving the house in horrific weather and never once took my favorite slippers off! This sums up a typical day in the life of a Certified Legal Nurse Consultant.
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