
CLNC® Success Stories

I made more money in two months as a CLNC consultant than I made in 12 as a hospital nurse. I charge $150/hr. My attorney-clients often ask for my informal opinion about a medical situation in a case. These informal consultations are also billable at $150/hr.

With the Institute’s Recipe I Made More Money in 2 Months as a Certified Legal Nurse Consultant Than in 12 as a Hospital Nurse

by Pamela Erwin, RN, BSN, MS, CLNC

I love what I’m doing! In spite of, or actually because of, injuries and pain from a couple of car wrecks, I have achieved professional success and financial independence as a Certified Legal Nurse Consultant. I’ve done just about everything in nursing – pediatrics, emergency trauma and cardiac intensive care.

While in the cardiac care unit, I also earned an MS in counseling and became interested in the healing benefits of alternative healthcare methods. I changed my lifestyle as well as my family’s through diet, meditation, yoga and tai chi.

When injuries from a car accident sidelined me for six months, I took a more accommodating position as director of professional services for a girl’s reformatory. Another wreck proved to be a real life-changing event. The injuries to my jaw, shoulder, neck and right arm forced me to move to a hot, dry climate.

Meanwhile, someone showed me literature from the Institute’s CLNC® Certification Program. I was very impressed and thought, “Boy, they’re on target. This is really interesting.” Having served as an expert witness on a few occasions, I already knew how much attorneys didn’t know about the medical details of cases.

Upon relocation, I had several attractive offers, but I couldn’t work a normal 8- to 10-hour day. I realized that legal nurse consulting was my solution. I found the Institute’s website and read up on the CLNC Certification Program. The program really hit home with me. I became highly motivated to pursue a career as a Certified Legal Nurse Consultant.

If I Could Make Millions for Others, I Could Do it for Myself, Too

I knew I had the background to succeed as a CLNC consultant, but I was scared. My biggest fear was financial. How could I become financially independent, especially in light of my physical limitations? I became determined to get past the pain from my injuries.

I was also fearful about being on my own and not being around my colleagues. The Institute’s free CLNC Mentoring Program was very helpful, and I knew its importance from my counseling background. Even today, I still call the Institute, especially when I have a challenging case.

Although I’d been consulting for two years, going from a fixed-salary to doing it all on my own was a big step for me. But I realized I’d consulted on six start-ups and made millions of dollars for others, so why couldn’t I do it for myself?

I ordered the CLNC Certification Program and studied daily for three months, working at it like an eight-hour shift. I went through the course three times. I passed the CLNC exam with flying colors.

I Marshaled One Case to Full-Time CLNC® Success

I was ready to go. I got a couple of legal nurse consultant jobs from friends of friends – I made $2,000 on one case and $5,000 on another. My first big assignment came about because of my own door-to-door, out-of-the-phone-book efforts.

Two months after I submitted my marketing packet to one attorney, he called for an interview. After another two months he left a message on my answering machine. Two friends of his law firm’s owner had been badly injured in a car wreck. They were in a hospital that had many malpractice lawsuits pending against it, and the owner was afraid his friends, both comatose, would not survive there. The attorney asked me to meet him and his boss at the hospital and review the situation, or as they put it, “marshal the case.”

I went in daily and discovered that the care the accident victims were receiving was very poor. I could horrify you for an hour with what I saw and how I intervened. To make a long story short, both victims are okay, although one was in rehab for six weeks, and the case settled for a lot of money.

I never intended to be a full-time Certified Legal Nurse Consultant, but I’ve been full time ever since this case. I started getting a case about every 10 days, and I’ve hired a CLNC subcontractor to help. I’m so busy with my current attorney-clients, I don’t have time for other law firms.

I made more money in two months as a CLNC consultant than I made in 12 as a hospital nurse. I charge $150/hr. My attorney-clients often ask for my informal opinion about a medical situation in a case. These informal consultations are also billable at $150/hr.

I make sure my clients receive plenty of benefits from my CLNC services. The attorneys know I’m a valuable asset to their efforts and have said so. I actually save them a lot of time and money by helping them establish a direction in a case or determine if a case is worth pursuing.

I give the attorneys a thorough grasp of the medical aspects vital to a case. I show them examples to help them relate to seemingly minor details that are actually life and death issues. Rather than just giving them a general understanding that something is wrong, I try to give them a visceral response to the medical malpractice. That’s when they really “get it” and can present a strong case.

LegalNurse.com’s Recipe Gave Me Independence and Financial Success

My financial goals were to be able to support myself, live independently, not have to worry about my finances, be a philanthropist of sorts and put my kids through college. I also wanted my work to be honorable and ethical, and to uphold my values. In addition to the money, independence and opportunity to work from home, I love my professional relationships with my attorney-clients and the variety of CLNC services I get to provide.

I attribute my success to my intentions, to focusing my positive energy. My nursing experience has helped a lot, and I have followed LegalNurse.com’s advice like a recipe.

I am very happy helping attorneys help patients who have been abused by the healthcare system. I know from firsthand experience there’s a great need for this kind of work.

I still have some of the pain and physical limitations that led me into this field, but I’m having fun now. I have so much money coming in, I don’t know what to do with it. I thank you from the bottom of my heart.

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*The opinions and statements made by Vickie Milazzo, the founder of Medical-Legal Consulting Institute, Inc. are based on her experiences and expertise, should not be applied beyond the specific context provided, and do not guaranty or project actual results. Vickie Milazzo is no longer involved in the operations or management of the business, but is involved as an independent education consultant.

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