I am confident my company’s current success is built on a solid foundation and is positioned for dramatic future growth. Why? Because I’m using the building tools LegalNurse.com gave me.
I Set Myself Free by Becoming a Certified Legal Nurse Consultant
by Judia Sarich, RN, BSN, CLNC
Twenty-six months ago I was a burned-out nurse administrator. After working 80+ hours a week for more than five years, I had reached a point of severe sleep deprivation and I was facing potentially serious health issues. I needed to take action. After seeing LegalNurse.com in every nursing journal, I did.
Becoming a Certified Legal Nurse Consultant was not an overnight decision. I prayed for guidance and God sent the answer, but I wanted to make sure. I spent a year checking it out. I laugh about that now because I later learned that the CLNC® Certification Program wasn’t costly at all.
Most other new businesses far exceed the start-up cost of becoming a CLNC consultant, and other businesses don’t include the quality training or the ongoing free support by CLNC Mentors.
Fourteen months ago I became a Certified Legal Nurse Consultant. I love what I do now. More important, I am confident my company’s current success is built on a solid foundation and is positioned for dramatic future growth. Why? Because I’m using the building tools LegalNurse.com gave me.
I often hear the Institute’s advice, “Write down a detailed vision of your business. Take one action step for your business every day. Use the free support of your CLNC Mentors. Be creative. Make a commitment to your business.” These golden mantras are the cornerstones of my success.
I Carved a Detailed Vision of My CLNC® Future
When I completed the CLNC Certification Program, I was filled with excitement and determination, but I was at risk of losing all momentum that first week. I had a bad upper respiratory infection. I was so miserable I could have chosen to stay in bed heavily medicated.
Instead, the first thing I did – in between coughing, sneezing and wheezing – was take the Institute’s advice: “Write the vision of your company.” I wrote, took my antibiotics, used my inhaler, slept, woke up and wrote some more. Despite feeling awful, I built my future CLNC success, gaining a clear focus on what it would look like. As Antoine de Saint-Exupéry wrote in The Little Prince, “A rock pile ceases to be a rock pile the moment a single man contemplates it, bearing within him the image of a cathedral.”
This exercise allowed me to see where I was going. Patterning Michelangelo, I saw the angel in the marble and carved until I set him free. The only difference was that, in writing the vision of my company, I set myself free.
Starting Small, I Found Myself Accomplishing Big
The Institute’s next cornerstone, “Take one action step for your business every day,” became the most important building block of all. This mantra, lodged in my head during the CLNC Certification Program, has carried me through periods when I felt down and worried and through periods when my business was thriving so well I thought I could skip a day. I’m sure the Institute would agree with Zen master Takuan: “This day will not come again. Each minute is worth a priceless gem.”
I don’t care how big or how small the task is, I take action on my business every day. Some days I talk about my business to someone new, make one new contact call or brainstorm a new marketing strategy. Other days I send a thank you note or reorganize my office for efficiency.
The power of taking daily action for your business is immense. Many days I didn’t feel like doing anything, but I went into the office to do that one thing and by the end of the day I was amazed at how much I had accomplished. The payoffs have been great. All those single action steps are the pebbles that have built my business.
Free CLNC® Mentoring and the NACLNC® Association Are My Built-In Support System
Additional building blocks the Institute offers are free CLNC Mentoring, the NACLNC network and the online tools in the NACLNC Association. Not a week goes by that I do not refer to one of the many materials in my VIP CLNC Certification System. I have used each of these great resources, and each one has played a part in my company’s success.
The Institute’s CLNC Mentors are supportive, knowledgeable and helpful in every situation. As a new CLNC consultant making that first client call or setting that first appointment, I found talking to a seasoned CLNC Mentor invaluable. But these are the obvious times I needed them. Many times the CLNC Mentors have surpassed my expectations with great responses to unusual questions.
The Directory of Certified Legal Nurse Consultants is another indispensable resource. I have had the opportunity to present several fellow CLNC peers as testifying expert candidates. I have made a commitment to use only Certified Legal Nurse Consultants as nurse testifying experts.
I Now Have the Energy, Time and Ability to Help Others
The final building block is one of the strongest cornerstones of my business, to be committed to God and give something back to others. I became a nurse because I wanted to make a difference, and I felt I had lost this ability. Now as a CLNC consultant, I have the energy, time and ability to help others. I am more available to my family, my neighbors, my church and my community. I have time to participate in a volunteer organization that helps a local home for the mentally challenged.
How different my life is today. I’m busy and my days are full, but balanced, not chaotic. I am in charge of my life and my business. My work environment is healthy. There’s no traffic to fight, no unproductive meetings to attend. I love my home office work space and using technology to reach out to clients across the nation. I have attorney-clients in California, Utah, Wyoming and Texas.
I have found balance and fulfillment in my life again. Thanks to LegalNurse.com, the visionary pioneer whose fearless leadership and willingness to share have made such an impact on me and thousands of other nurses, I am a successful Certified Legal Nurse Consultant. I’m proud to be a CLNC consultant. As the Institute says, “We Are Nurses and We Can Do Anything!®”
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