This year I will make about $175,000. The benefits of being a Certified Legal Nurse Consultant are endless.
I Am Living My Passion in Tennessee Making $175,000 This Year as a Certified Legal Nurse Consultant
by Sheila Silvus Chesanow, RN, MS, CLNC
After I became a Certified Legal Nurse Consultant, I worked for a corporation doing internal auditing. After two years, a CLNC® friend told me about an opportunity to have an exclusive Certified Legal Nurse Consultant contract with an attorney. At first I wasn’t sure I wanted an exclusive contract with any attorney because I did not know if he would have enough work for me. I was wrong. I ended up signing a contract with this attorney-client for $150,000 annually for 40 hours a week. This year I will make about $175,000.
Technology has been a big plus for my CLNC business. My husband retired and we moved to Tennessee. My attorney-client lives in California. Technology allows me to work full time at home out of an office that used to be part of our barn as I watch over llamas grazing outside. One of the best things I’ve adopted from one of the Legal Nurse Consultant blogs was dual monitors. I review the files from my attorney-client on one screen while I write my report using the second screen. I also take my work on the road when I travel. My husband races cars so I can just pack up my bag with my laptop and go with him. It’s great because my legal nurse consulting business is completely portable.
The benefits of being a Certified Legal Nurse Consultant are endless. I work out every morning, have coffee with friends, then I go to work. The more I work, the more money I make. I can work 50 hours one week and take a day off the next whenever I choose. In my prior job, I only slept in my own bed about eight nights a month because I had to travel so much. Now as a Certified Legal Nurse Consultant, I enjoy staying at home here in Tennessee.
When I worked at a full-time job, I could count my friends on one hand. Now, I am more involved in my community in Tennessee and I’m active in the charities that are important to me.
I was going to semi-retire, do a little CLNC work but not really do much. However, I have stayed busy and have had numerous offers for additional legal nurse consultant jobs. When this happens, I contact my network of CLNC peers. The NACLNC® Directory has a wealth of CLNC consultants who I can refer business to or recommend as experts.
My advice to nurses is to stop waiting – do it now. Become a Certified Legal Nurse Consultant today. Stop procrastinating!
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