
CLNC® Success Stories

This year I will make about $175,000. The benefits of being a Certified Legal Nurse Consultant are endless.

I Am Living My Passion in Tennessee Making $175,000 This Year as a Certified Legal Nurse Consultant

by Sheila Silvus Chesanow, RN, MS, CLNC

Sheila Silvus Chesanow

After I became a Certified Legal Nurse Consultant, I worked for a corporation doing internal auditing. After two years, a CLNC® friend told me about an opportunity to have an exclusive Certified Legal Nurse Consultant contract with an attorney. At first I wasn’t sure I wanted an exclusive contract with any attorney because I did not know if he would have enough work for me. I was wrong. I ended up signing a contract with this attorney-client for $150,000 annually for 40 hours a week. This year I will make about $175,000.

Technology has been a big plus for my CLNC business. My husband retired and we moved to Tennessee. My attorney-client lives in California. Technology allows me to work full time at home out of an office that used to be part of our barn as I watch over llamas grazing outside. One of the best things I’ve adopted from one of the Legal Nurse Consultant blogs was dual monitors. I review the files from my attorney-client on one screen while I write my report using the second screen. I also take my work on the road when I travel. My husband races cars so I can just pack up my bag with my laptop and go with him. It’s great because my legal nurse consulting business is completely portable.

The benefits of being a Certified Legal Nurse Consultant are endless. I work out every morning, have coffee with friends, then I go to work. The more I work, the more money I make. I can work 50 hours one week and take a day off the next whenever I choose. In my prior job, I only slept in my own bed about eight nights a month because I had to travel so much. Now as a Certified Legal Nurse Consultant, I enjoy staying at home here in Tennessee.

When I worked at a full-time job, I could count my friends on one hand. Now, I am more involved in my community in Tennessee and I’m active in the charities that are important to me.

I was going to semi-retire, do a little CLNC work but not really do much. However, I have stayed busy and have had numerous offers for additional legal nurse consultant jobs. When this happens, I contact my network of CLNC peers. The NACLNC® Directory has a wealth of CLNC consultants who I can refer business to or recommend as experts.

My advice to nurses is to stop waiting – do it now. Become a Certified Legal Nurse Consultant today. Stop procrastinating!

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*The opinions and statements made by Vickie Milazzo, the founder of Medical-Legal Consulting Institute, Inc. are based on her experiences and expertise, should not be applied beyond the specific context provided, and do not guaranty or project actual results. Vickie Milazzo is no longer involved in the operations or management of the business, but is involved as an independent education consultant.

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