
CLNC® Success Stories

Kathy Sindoni, RN, BSN, CLNC teaches the power of becoming a recognized expert in your specialty and recommends that all Certified Legal Nurse Consultants promote themselves as industry experts by speaking and consulting within their nursing specialty.

CLNC Consultant Divulges How She Used Her Nursing Specialty to Carve a Niche in the Legal Nurse Consulting Industry

Video – Kathy Sindoni, RN, BSN, CLNC

Attorneys respond to registered nurses who are true experts in their specialty. Certified Legal Nurse Consultant Kathy Sindoni, RN, BSN, CLNC takes the concept of expert to a master level. In this video Kathy discusses her role in assisted living cases and how she came to be recognized and coveted by attorneys.

With 14 years experience in assisted living, Kathy used that expertise as a consultant to the assisted living industry. She uses her contacts within the industry to meet attorneys litigating assisted living cases. The common assisted living issues she addresses as a legal nurse consultant include medication errors, skin breakdown and dementia. A prevailing theme among assisted living facility cases is the failure to provide adequate patient supervision.

Kathy teaches the power of becoming a recognized expert in your specialty and recommends that all Certified Legal Nurse Consultants promote themselves as industry experts by speaking and consulting within their nursing specialty. The name recognition gained from this exposure doesn’t stop with RNs and healthcare facilities – it spreads to attorneys.

Kathy’s hard work and CLNC Certification and training are allowing her to live her dreams as a full-time Certified Legal Nurse Consultant. Position yourself as an expert in your specialty and you’ll be joining the ranks of the Kathy Sindonis and other successful Certified Legal Nurse Consultants like her.

Congratulations Kathy!

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*The opinions and statements made by Vickie Milazzo, the founder of Medical-Legal Consulting Institute, Inc. are based on her experiences and expertise, should not be applied beyond the specific context provided, and do not guaranty or project actual results. Vickie Milazzo is no longer involved in the operations or management of the business, but is involved as an independent education consultant.

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