My Most Memorable CLNC® Case

My Most Memorable CLNC® Case: We Did the Case for Free and Everyone Was a Winner

While attending the NACLNC Conference I was reminded to keep marketing even when I have cases. Vickie’s conferences always get me motivated and ready to go! When I got home still revved up, my thoughts turned to how to get our CLNC business on more attorney’s radars. I started hearing on the news about one of our local active DA offices. This DA seemed to attract a lot of media attention. The idea hit me that maybe we could help! I talked with my partner, JoAnn, about volunteering to do a case. Giving back to our community would benefit the DA’s office and we would continue to build our CLNC skills.

Certified Legal Nurse Consultants: Point Out the Obvious to Attorney-Clients

One of my favorite things to do in Austin, Texas, other than eating at La Condesa, is walking the trail around Lady Bird Lake. It’s peaceful and relaxing being by the water. You get to see aquatic wildlife and, if you’re fast enough, sometimes you can catch a glimpse of a turtle or two sunning themselves on the bank. On our last trip, while walking the trail, Tom and I had a pretty good laugh over a warning sign we ran into on the trail, obviously put in place by a well-meaning worker from the City of Austin’s Public Works Department. It reads: SIDEWALK CLOSED, USE OTHER SIDE.

Keep Your Legal Nurse Consulting Reports Real

Keep Your Legal Nurse Consulting Reports Real

When you’re writing reports for your attorney-clients’ medical-related cases, one of the most important principles, no matter the size or type of report, is that if you provide theory, you are sure to provide application also. In other words, the theory must not only relate to the case, but you must explain the actual application of the theory to the case at hand. Theory alone is not enough. Keeping your reports based in the “real world” will make the real attorneys you consult with really appreciate you and your legal nurse consulting reports.

*The opinions and statements made by Vickie Milazzo, the founder of Medical-Legal Consulting Institute, Inc. are based on her experiences and expertise, should not be applied beyond the specific context provided, and do not guaranty or project actual results. Vickie Milazzo is no longer involved in the operations or management of the business, but is involved as an independent education consultant.

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