My Most Memorable CLNC® Case

My Most Memorable CLNC® Case: A Book About Patients’ Rights Settled the Case

My most memorable case was the very first one. For this, I received a 4 ft. tall stack of medical records which chronicled the final year of the patient’s life. The attorney contacted me after he had already determined the issues. That was too bad because, while the plaintiff was suing an acute rehabilitation unit within the hospital for the death of her husband, some of the problems were also incurred in the general hospital. An expanded focus might have addressed those issues.

Energy is a Limited Resource

I detest fakery because it takes a huge amount of energy that I prefer to direct to more meaningful pursuits. Likewise, seeing only the worst in a person depletes energy too.

How Can It Be Lonely At the Top If We’re All There Together?

Yesterday, a Certified Legal Nurse Consultant shared that she was afraid to take her CLNC business to the next level because she didn’t want to create jealousy among her legal nurse consulting colleagues. This strong woman is afraid it will be lonely at the top. My response: “It sure can’t be any lonelier at the top than it is at the bottom. At least at the top you can afford good wine for your friends and you never have to put your holiday shopping on layaway at the dollar store.”

2013 NACLNC® Conference Photo Gallery and More

Ahoy! Thank you for making the 2013 National Alliance of Certified Legal Nurse Consultants Conference Cruise such a success. I loved hearing how much you learned from our speakers and seeing you networking with fellow CLNC Weekenders. It was such a blast partying with a purpose all week long with you.

Legal Nurse Consultant Success Story

CLNC® Success Story: I Stepped Out of My Comfort Zone and I Love It!

I completed Vickie’s CLNC Certification Program after a local attorney suggested that I look into legal nurse consulting. I had recently torn an article about legal nurse consulting out of my Nurse Practitioner Journal. I considered those two coincidences to be a sign. What a sign it truly was!

There’s a New Sheriff in Town – Get Used to It

I was mentoring a CLNC consultant who is working with a new managing partner at one of the law firms she consults with. This law firm is her biggest client and she’s always worked well with the prior managing partner. He trusted her and pretty much gave her free reign in just about everything she did, from budgeting for cases to the work product she produced. From her point of view, it was a perfect relationship.

Do You Dwell in Possibility or Impossibility as a Certified Legal Nurse Consultant?

In the VIP Business Development Luncheon at the CLNC 6-Day Certification Seminar a student, Carol, shared that her cousin said to her “How can you become a Certified Legal Nurse Consultant when you’re just a pediatric nurse?” The group booed the cousin who wasn’t there, affirming that one should never pay attention to a negative naysayer. That family member who knew nothing about legal nurse consulting was hardly qualified to dispense advice on whether Carol can or cannot succeed. But Carol was almost ready to buy into that dream-crusher’s bad and mean-spirited advice.

I Do Care If You’re Dying – Just Not Today

I was in the middle of an extremely important project working with a team of vendors. Things were going really well until one of the vendors announced that he wasn’t feeling so good and needed to rest. Maybe because he knows I’m a nurse, he started in with the whole bloody story of what was ailing him. I got the blow-by-blow description of an extremely bloated set of signs and symptoms, all of which added up to Much Ado About Nothing.

*The opinions and statements made by Vickie Milazzo, the founder of Medical-Legal Consulting Institute, Inc. are based on her experiences and expertise, should not be applied beyond the specific context provided, and do not guaranty or project actual results. Vickie Milazzo is no longer involved in the operations or management of the business, but is involved as an independent education consultant.

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