
Want Some Cheese to Go with Your Whine?

I detest whining and complaining, but I too am very capable of it and accomplished at it. Women often like to talk out our problems. But there’s a fine line between talking something out and simply whining and complaining about it. I’ve been known to ask an employee or two or four, “Hey, would you like me to get you some cheese to go with that whine?”

Energy is a Limited Resource

I detest fakery because it takes a huge amount of energy that I prefer to direct to more meaningful pursuits. Likewise, seeing only the worst in a person depletes energy too.

Use Your Energy to Master Your Cravings – Before Your Cravings Master Your Energy

We celebrate staff birthdays once a month at LegalNurse.com. We used to gather in the conference room, light the candles on a big cake (23 employees eat a lot of cake and no, it wasn’t stale white cake) and sing a bad version of “Happy Birthday” to those whose birthdays was being feted. Cakes don’t tempt me much, so I easily passed up a slice. When I’m working I keep sugar and processed carbs out of my diet. I find my mind is sharper and my energy stays high. Instead, I eat lots of veggies and protein (which increases focus and awareness). Do I need to mention starting my day with two cups of healthy green tea and ending it with a small amount of healthy red wine?

Create High Energy for You and Your CLNC® Business

Here at the CLNC Certification Program in Philadelphia one of the students asked me, “Where do you get the energy to teach six straight days? Do you just wake up like that?” I had to chuckle before I answered. That’s because I don’t pop out of bed like a piece of toast. Tom jokes that he has to “shuck the oyster” each morning (being from New Orleans I like the simile) to get me out from under the covers (I have been known to burrow with the best of them). But, once I’m up, I’m a woman on fire and I burn white-hot until the end of the day.

*The opinions and statements made by Vickie Milazzo, the founder of Medical-Legal Consulting Institute, Inc. are based on her experiences and expertise, should not be applied beyond the specific context provided, and do not guaranty or project actual results. Vickie Milazzo is no longer involved in the operations or management of the business, but is involved as an independent education consultant.

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