What Migratory Path is Your Certified Legal Nurse Consulting Business On?

What Migratory Path is Your Certified Legal Nurse Consulting Business On?

I’ve just returned from what Tom and I call our Great Christmas Migration. Every year over Christmas and New Year’s we crisscross the country visiting family and friends, and then we close out the year with renewal time for just the two of us. On one flight, after putting away our electronics and during the landing pattern, I was catching up on my reading. I was struck by an article on the Great Migrations in the November, 2010 issue of National Geographic Magazine. The article spoke to the way migrating animals become so focused on their mission that they pass up the opportunity to eat. It mentioned one of my least favorite birds, the Arctic Tern. Remembering being attacked by them in Iceland, I talk about them in the video below.

2 Minutes to Success

To have a better relationship, a better CLNC® business or a better life, often all you have to do is be willing to invest in the smallest of ways. Invest today to ensure your comfort tomorrow. Stop the insanity, i.e. all the excuses for why you can’t, won’t or shouldn’t do something. Today is the day to commit to one small action.

Tom’s Tech Tips

Tom’s Tuesday Tech Tip: The Best Christmas Gift Ever for Myself and Hopefully for Certified Legal Nurse Consultants

Christmas was just three days ago (it’s hard to believe that there’s only 362 shopping days until the next one) and many of you are probably still digging out from under mountains of discarded wrapping paper, cardboard boxes and all the various flotsam and jetsam leftovers after Christmas. Vickie and I have moved toward simplicity — with music and books being our primary gifts to each other.

It Pays to Be Prepared as a Certified Legal Nurse Consultant

When you walk into an attorney-prospect’s office you will want the attorney to view you as a professional who produces quality and professional work. To accomplish this goal, it pays to be prepared. One Certified Legal Nurse Consultant shared with me how she learned this lesson the hard way.

You Have All the Gear You Need for Your Legal Nurse Consulting Business – It’s Time to Put It to Use

The weather has finally turned to fall here in Houston. This means that for a too-short period of time, those summer days of 104+ degrees are gone. Our recent mornings have been in the low 60’s, what we currently consider “crisp.” Morning is my favorite time and Tom and I are out well before the sun comes up for a walk around our “hood.” This morning was a little extra crisp so I went to get a light jacket and also noticed my hiking gear, my arctic gear, my rain gear and even my diving gear.

Tom’s Tech Tips

Tom’s Tuesday Tech Tip: Should a Certified Legal Nurse Consultant be Seen in Public with an iPhone Stylus?

The longer you’re in the world of technology, the more iterations of devices you see. Some are good, some are bad. I remember when I left (unwillingly) my paper DayTimers®, was issued a PDA (Personal Data Assistant) and had to learn how to use a stylus to write that silly Palm® language. The stylus was like a mechanical pencil without lead and was constantly getting lost. I still occasionally find one under a desk or in the back of my sock drawer. The only thing cool about my PDA was that the cover flipped up like a communicator on Star Trek® (the original series). At the time, PDAs were a must-have for every Certified Legal Nurse Consulting business.

Just DO It!

Marketing is one of the simplest subjects you will ever study. So, why do some people fail miserably at it? Because they just don’t do it.

Tom’s Tech Tips

Tom’s Tuesday Tech Tip: Certified Legal Nurse Consultants Should Skip the Cookies – Especially if They’re Flash-Based

Every web browser accepts cookies. These are the innocuous little files kept by your browser from websites you visit. Cookies have a lot of uses. They can keep your web travel history so that when you return to a website it will remember you and key your browser to pull up your login and password. They also keep a history of websites you visit and they help other websites serve you advertising based on your past browsing and purchases across the web.

Certified Legal Nurse Consultant Shares a Brand New Legal Nurse Consulting Service

Certified Legal Nurse Consultant Shares a Brand New Legal Nurse Consulting Service

One of the first things all Certified Legal Nurse Consultants learn in the CLNC® Certification Program is the 34 CLNC® services you can and do provide to your attorney-clients. In today’s video blog, one of our CLNC® Mentors shares a brand new CLNC® service she is providing to attorneys. Watch this video to add one more service to your own CLNC® business.

Are You In Sync or Insane with Your Attorney-Clients as a Certified Legal Nurse Consultant?

The first attorney I consulted with as a legal nurse consultant was serendipity. Everything I did was perfectly in sync with him. We hit it off like best friends – it was as though we had known each other in another lifetime. With my goal to turn my legal nurse consulting business from my part-time venture into a full-time business, I concluded, “I’ve got it all figured out. I know exactly what attorneys want and this is going to be easy.” Boy, I could not have been more wrong.

*The opinions and statements made by Vickie Milazzo, the founder of Medical-Legal Consulting Institute, Inc. are based on her experiences and expertise, should not be applied beyond the specific context provided, and do not guaranty or project actual results. Vickie Milazzo is no longer involved in the operations or management of the business, but is involved as an independent education consultant.

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