There’s a strategy to obtaining more legal nurse consultant jobs from your attorney-clients. In this blog the CLNC® Pros share 10 ways to keep your attorney-clients coming back for more.
- Never take attorney-client relationships for granted. Value the relationships you nurture with a thank you. Suzanne Arragg, RN, BSN, CDONA/LTC, CLNC says, “When I receive a new case, new referral or complete a particular assignment, I express gratitude through an email, text or phone call.” While a thank you goes a long way, be specific. Don’t just say ‘Thanks for your business.’ Add something special when relevant. For example, Dorene Goldstein, RN, BSN, CLNC uses a complimentary service (such as a free screening) for important thank yous.
- Use the attorney’s preferred method of communication (email, videoconferencing, phone calls) to discuss legal nurse consultant jobs, even if it’s not what is most comfortable for you. This is an important step in securing a great working relationship.
- Always clarify questions you have about a legal nurse consultant job. Dorene Goldstein says, “Even though I know my attorney-clients well, if there is more than one option, I never assume the attorney wants something done one way over another. It is extremely important that we are on the same page.”
- Be bold in stating your professional opinion and attorneys will trust you can handle any legal nurse consultant job. Suzanne Arragg says, “Never be afraid to state your opinion, even when it may not be favorable. The attorney wants to hear from you. This strategy has proven to earn me repeat legal nurse consultant jobs.”
- Always go above and beyond what is expected. Dorene Goldstein says, “You want your attorney-client to know that they’re important to you.” Respond to attorneys’ requests promptly. Whether it’s responding with an email or returning a phone call, it could mean the difference between this being the only case with an attorney or the first of many.
- Communicate additional CLNC services you offer. Marcia Bell, RN, BSN, CAPA, CLNC describes “I wait until the attorney is happy with the first few cases I have handled and then inform them of the additional CLNC services I provide. For example, an attorney-client I met at a dinner called me to attend a couple of defense medical exams (DMEs). Once I knew he was impressed with my work product, I informed him that I also do cases summaries and chronological timelines. He requested a timeline and then referred me to one of his partners, for whom I have completed several timelines.”
- Retie the connection frequently. Dorene Goldstein says, “We’re not always the first thing attorneys think of and it’s good to remind them we’re here. I’ll drop in on my attorney-clients occasionally. I call or email attorneys I haven’t heard from once a month to see if they need my any assistance with their cases. I send handwritten cards. I also send postcards with relevant healthcare information every other month to retie the connection.” Get the attorney thinking about you by sending new information on a case. Suzanne Arragg says, “I recently provided my attorney-client with information regarding a change in long term care that directly impacted cases. She was quite grateful because she was not aware of the change.”
- Know your boundaries and don’t act needy. Know when it is okay to reach out, and when it is not. This tried and true strategy will preserve attorney-client relationships for years to come.
- Take a personal interest in the attorney. Send personal cards or small gifts on birthdays and holidays. Offer to take the attorney and assistants to lunch. Dorene Goldstein affirms “I offer to take my favorite attorney-clients to lunch to check in.”
- Never burn bridges. Always be clear, professional and gracious. Even an attorney who doesn’t hire you is more likely to refer you to a colleague.
Thanks to Suzanne, Marcia and Dorene for sharing their tips on obtaining more legal nurse consultant jobs from attorney-clients.
Success Is Yours,
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