If you missed the Video Webinar, “How to Use Social Media to Promote Your CLNC® Business” Certified Legal Nurse Consultants can view it now.
We all know the importance of first impression. Today first impression might not be made in person. It might be made in social media, so it’s important to always make the best impression possible with attorneys and people who can connect you to attorneys in social media.
In this Webinar, Certified Legal Nurse Consultants, Robert Malaer, RN, MSN, FN-CSp., SANE-A, CNLCP, CALM, CLNC and Michelle Neal, RN, BSN, CLNC discuss how to use social media to promote your CLNC business. They discuss the most effective social media platforms, professional strategies for staying active in social media and how to target and find attorneys in social media.
Go to the Student Login to access the video. If you need help logging in to the LegalNurse.com Online Learning Center, please call LegalNurse.com at 713.942.2200.
Success Is Yours,
P.S. Comment and share how you use social media in your CLNC business.