A Little Beethoven Can Help Your Legal Nurse Consulting Business

A Little Beethoven Can Help Your Legal Nurse Consulting Business

I’m a big advocate of brainstorming and often some of the best ideas for my business have come from brainstorming, both formally and informally. I’ve been my happiest when observing staff brainstorming in the hallway, in each other’s offices, at each others’ desks and even in the restrooms.

When that kind of exchange happens the ideas are sparking and the atmosphere is almost incendiary. When we come together and engage in a conversation we raise new questions and think of things at a level we would not have reached on our own. Collaboration is genius.

Likewise, some of my best ideas come to me not in the midst of a passionate brainstorm, but when no one else is around and I’m writing.

I confess, I write best alone – just me, Beethoven and my keyboard for company. Even Tom knows to stay out of my way when the keys start clattering. Sometimes, I even tune out Beethoven.

I love writing because it not only releases the creative energy that fuels ideas for my business, but also feeds my creativity which in turn fuels my endurance allowing me to create longer and produce more. Plus, I’m always careful to capture any random thoughts, even those that seem unrelated so as to not lose them.

Sometimes that stray idea is pure gold. Other times it’s only a sieve through which to mine the gold. And sometimes it’s nothing more than fool’s gold – but what have you lost beside the keystrokes or a piece of paper? The idea may not even be ripe for the time, but by capturing it, you can hold it until the time is ripe. Nothing gets lost unless your electronic files are as disorganized as your spouse’s closet.

Even if you haven’t had any training in writing (nursing school taught us to chart, not to write novels), you can still write. Clear a space, sit down and take a stab at writing an opinion or write about a recent trip, a funny attorney experience or your last day off. Even better, just write what’s on your mind.

You’ll be amazed how new ideas for your legal nurse consulting business will emerge even when you’re not consciously thinking about your legal nurse consulting business.

Here’s a tip. Put on your iPod and play the scores from La Vie en Rose or Beethoven’s 5th and write away, write now.

Success Is Yours,
Vickie L. Milazzo, RN, MSN, JD

P.S. Comment and share what you like to write about to stimulate your creative energy.

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*The opinions and statements made by Vickie Milazzo, the founder of Medical-Legal Consulting Institute, Inc. are based on her experiences and expertise, should not be applied beyond the specific context provided, and do not guaranty or project actual results. Vickie Milazzo is no longer involved in the operations or management of the business, but is involved as an independent education consultant.

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