I’ve always thought of myself as a good teacher. I hope that having trained thousands of Certified Legal Nurse Consultants is proof that I’m good at what I do (Did I mention I’m modest too? LOL). To become a good teacher I had to first become a good student.
One of the 5 Promises I commit to daily is to be a lifetime student. That means not only do I strive to learn, but I also pay attention and listen to opposing viewpoints. A plaintiff trial attorney I’ve worked with highlights this lesson for me. The attorney is widely considered to be the best in the field of medical malpractice. One day a group of young defense attorneys came into a trial to observe him in action. After the plaintiff attorney completed cross-examination of an MD expert the young attorneys left the courtroom. I happened to be in the hallway and overheard them laughing and remarking how unimpressed they were with this legendary attorney. What was all the hoopla?
That trial resulted in a multi-million dollar plaintiff verdict. I like to think they were impressed then, but am still not sure whether they understood what made this attorney so good and revered by his colleagues.
Those young attorneys had a unique opportunity to listen and learn, but chose to have closed, non-observant minds instead. “To be a good teacher you have to first be a good student.” As a Certified Legal Nurse Consultant you have to be a good teacher to your attorney-clients. Are you willing to be a good student first?
Success Is Yours,
P.S. Comment here to share what you do to be a good teacher to your attorney-clients.