Vickie Milazzo’s Favorite Quotes

Vickie’s Favorite Quotes: Eleanor Roosevelt

When I travel the U.S. to teach the CLNC® Certification Seminar I’m privileged to meet amazing RNs with stunning accomplishments. I’m always in awe of, and humbled by, the nursing experience and talent present in every legal nurse consulting class I teach.

Vickie Milazzo’s Favorite Eleanor Roosevelt Quote About Consenting to Feeling Inferior

Sadly however, I am too frequently a witness to an inferiority that lurks within the subconscious of many of these RNs. Over the years I have repeatedly heard nurses say, “Vickie, you make me proud to be an RN again.” While I love knowing I make a difference in how nurses see and believe in themselves, I strongly agree with Eleanor Roosevelt who said, “No one can make you feel inferior without your consent.”

There’s nothing more noble than caring for and saving lives – it’s time RNs appreciate themselves and each other. I’m not advocating an arrogant posture, but the inferiority that has plagued the nursing profession from the beginning of time has got to stop.

When RNs cease to be victims of bad behavior from MDs, administration and, even worse, other nurses, that’s the day RNs will shake off inferiority. Embrace Eleanor Roosevelt’s words and you have a shot at seizing success on your own terms instead of everyone else’s.

Success Is Yours!

P.S. Comment here and share how you avoid consenting to feeling inferior.


One thought on “Vickie’s Favorite Quotes: Eleanor Roosevelt

  1. You are so right, Vickie. All the nurses who come to the live CLNC® Certification Seminars are so skilled and talented, and that is why I love to attend the live classes. It’s a great networking opportunity. We later contact each other and give support and sometimes some work.

    But my favorite thing is getting to see you again each time, Vickie.

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*The opinions and statements made by Vickie Milazzo, the founder of Medical-Legal Consulting Institute, Inc. are based on her experiences and expertise, should not be applied beyond the specific context provided, and do not guaranty or project actual results. Vickie Milazzo is no longer involved in the operations or management of the business, but is involved as an independent education consultant.

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