Here’s One Way for Legal Nurse Consultants to Avoid Being Speechless in Front of Attorneys

Here’s One Way for Legal Nurse Consultants to Avoid Being Speechless in Front of Attorneys

In the speaking world, we have a saying that some people at a funeral would prefer to be in the coffin than stand up and deliver the eulogy. There’s something that happens to all of us when we have to get in front of people. Tom jokes with me, “Vickie, you talk incessantly. You have something to say all the time, but when I turn the video camera on, you’re speechless!” Yes, sometimes that’s really true, even about me.

So CLNC® consultants, play along with me… You’re about to go on an interview with an attorney-prospect. What do you do? Option #1: You panic! Option #2: You contact the Institute for mentoring. Option #3: You get yourself prepared!

Before you go into your next attorney interview, take the time to study and role play the possible interview questions and responses that have stood the test of time. You’ll show up as the confident consultant, one certain to nail that legal nurse consultant job.

I’m Just Sayin’

P.S. Comment here and share how you avoid being speechless in front of attorneys.

2 thoughts on “Here’s One Way for Legal Nurse Consultants to Avoid Being Speechless in Front of Attorneys

  1. I look for ice-breakers to begin with while viewing the outside and inside of the building before being led to a room. I may ask if the attorney likes to fish. Or I may comment on an older home that was remodeled into a beautiful office building.
    I have been in some buildings that were bare of anything except a beautiful nameplate.
    Breaking the ice gets both parties more comfortable to ask and answer questions. I took this tip from the Vickie Milazzo CLNC® Certification Program.

  2. I have to say that first of all it was an inspirational boost just opening up this correspondence, seeing and listening to Vickie, and reading your comments as well, Rosie. I agree that I keep my ears open for catch phrases that I may ‘hook’ onto to help strengthen attention; but I had a funny thing happen not too long ago where I went into a meeting thinking I did not have a very strong feeling about my knowledge in this particular incident – it was an operative technique issue–really at the MD level. But really – just by luck – the attorneys started talking faster than I did and before I knew it I was on board with enthusiasm and as it turned out I knew where to look and had enough awareness and prior knowledge to lead them to pertinent questions and points of concerns and the case was a success. I learned a lot by that encounter… not only about the surgical procedure, but also about myself.

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*The opinions and statements made by Vickie Milazzo, the founder of Medical-Legal Consulting Institute, Inc. are based on her experiences and expertise, should not be applied beyond the specific context provided, and do not guaranty or project actual results. Vickie Milazzo is no longer involved in the operations or management of the business, but is involved as an independent education consultant.

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