I recently mentored a Certified Legal Nurse Consultant who has no problem getting attorney-clients. Her problem is keeping up with her successful marketing and the loads of cases that go with it. Failure to provide consistently excellent work product has caused one of her attorney-clients to go elsewhere.
It is always easier to keep an attorney-client than to have to market to new attorneys. To lose an attorney-client is bungling an amazing opportunity as this CLNC® consultant has done.
My advice: “You don’t need more attorney-clients, you need to work on your cases and hone the skills necessary to consistently produce a quality work product and properly service the attorneys you have.”
Successful CLNC consultants don’t just one day decide to become excellent at what they do. They hone their skills day after day after day until their excellence is not a single act, but a habit. Every action is congruent and intentional.
I love marketing and respect CLNC consultants who are good at it. I respect even more those Certified Legal Nurse Consultants for whom excellence is as involuntary as breathing.
I’m Just Sayin’
P.S. Comment and share how you guarantee excellence.
Could not agree more. I just don’t take on more hospital clients because my ability to provide the quality of work my current clients expect would be spread too thinly.
You’ve got that right Vickie. Why reinvent the wheel when you have one right there? I have learned so many things and one is keeping each attorney satisfied with my work product, just like you taught me. If I have not heard from them for a week after sending the report, I send an email asking if they are satisfied with the report. I have to ensure my risk-free guarantee and it gives me satisfaction in my work performance as a CLNC® consultant. It is great to have repeat business. I love it when I get, “excellent” or “it helped me to make the right decision.” So far, so good.