A recent study by the BMJ, validates what Certified Legal Nurse Consultants already know: the most common reason doctors are sued is failure to diagnose a disease or other condition. Not surprisingly, the most frequently missed diagnoses are cancer and heart attacks. The most common outcome of this failure to diagnose is – you guessed it – death. The study reported that most diagnostic errors are due to faulty clinical reasoning and misinterpretation of diagnostic tests.
Based on my 31 years of experience with medical malpractice cases, listening to the patient and/or family members would significantly reduce diagnostic errors. And listening is one procedure that is free for all involved parties. The next time you consult on a medical malpractice case, add this insight to your arsenal.
I’m just sayin’
P.S. Comment here and share your thoughts on who listens best, physicians or RNs.
Active listening requires ego suppression–not something that high-powered professionals are prone to! Great suggestion! I’ll try it.
In my experience, nurses listen better. I would much rather go to a nurse practitioner than a physician.
Michelle said EXACTLY what I was going to say. As nurses, that’s what we are taught to do, but not only listen, we learn to connect with patient and/or CG and we learn how to draw info out of them.
Nurses by a landslide. My MD rarely listens and is always rushing. I’d rather see an ARNP as well. Nurses have been trained – true, but our many years of experience has enhanced our gifts (listening, connecting, mediating).