Today’s the first official day of the NACLNC® Conference Cruise aboard the Oasis of the Seas. The ship is even more fantastic than I remember.
It’s also Registration Day and I am excited to get to see all my CLNC® friends again. It’s always fun to meet your families and friends – through them I learn even more about you.
My twin brother Vince boarded the Oasis last week as a passenger, not a stowaway. He’s been unpacking equipment, exploring the ports as well as getting to know every nook and cranny on the ship and doing his real job, getting ready for all of you. I’m looking forward to seeing him, his new tattoos and hearing his sea-tales.
Registration starts promptly at 7:15pm, which gives you plenty of time to explore the ship. Just be sure to come by the Solarium Bar on Deck 16, forward at 7:15pm for Registration. As soon as you’re registered, please join us at the NACLNC® Welcome Reception. Bring your cabin-mates and family too for free drinks, hors de’ourves and to kick off our 7-Day Weekend.
Afterwards is our first networking dinner and we’ve got a special seating area for Certified Legal Nurse Consultants and cabin-mates only. Instead of sitting at the same table every night, we worked a deal with the ship to allow everyone to table-hop from night to night to maximize the networking opportunities. I hope the Captain’s ready for us!
More tomorrow!
P.S. Just like the last NACLNC® Conference Cruise I’ll be posting updates every day for all of you who are with me, onboard ship or in CLNC® spirit.
P.P.S. Comment if you would like to wish your CLNC® peers happy sailing.
Hope everyone has a great time! I’m so jealous! Just getting started here – but will join you next time around! Have a great time!
Yes, our CLNC® spirits will be with all of you. I look forward to your posts.