Attention Certified Legal Nurse Consultants: we’re down to the most important part of the 2013 NACLNC® Western Caribbean Conference Cruise information and that’s the Conference itself. Click here for the Conference Cruise itinerary of all our special NACLNC® Networking Events. Then continue reading for some special announcements that will ensure your NACLNC® Conference goes smoothly:
- Make Sure You Register for Fun and Learning. Saturday, March 2nd, our first day onboard, there will be MANDATORY Conference Registration at the Solarium Bar on Deck 16, forward from 7:15-8:30pm. From there you can head straight into our NACLNC® Welcome Reception to pick up a cold beverage and some tasty appetizers. The NACLNC® Welcome Reception is open to all NACLNC® attendees, your guests and cabin-mates.
- Just Bring the Basics (textbook-wise). You have already received your link to the 2013 NACLNC® Conference Textbook. Be sure to download, print and pack the texts for any session you plan to attend. If you haven’t received the email, call my office and we’ll be sure to get it to you. The ship does have a business center but the cost of printing your textbook onboard will be prohibitive. Be proactive and print it before you leave home.
- Dine and Shine with Your Fellow CLNC® 7-Day Weekenders. We’ve done away with assigned seats at dinners and have instead arranged a dedicated seating area for all CLNC® Weekenders in the main dining room at the late (8:30pm) dinner seating each evening. Join us to put the sea in CLNC® networking and be sure to sit with different colleagues every night.
- Don’t Miss a Moment of Momentous Networking and Fun. Click here to read about all our special CLNC® Networking Events, like the Beach Olympics, Ice Show, AquaTheater Show and of course, our Farewell Reception. Remember your family, cruise-mates and cabin-mates are invited to all networking events so bring’em if you dare!
- Start Your Day with an Eye-Opener. Our Opening Session is in the Opal Theater at 10:00am Sunday, March 3. Your family, cabin-mates and fellow travelers are all invited to the opening session! Concurrent sessions are for registered CLNC® consultants only and will be in the Conference Center on Deck 3 beginning at 12:15pm. There will be coffee available outside the Opal Theater in case you were out late (and you will be).
- It’s All in the Cards – Business Cards that Is. Remember to pack lots of business cards, your CLNC® hoodie or a sweater (yes it does get cold at sea), pens and plenty of highlighters. That way you’ll be ready to have fun and network!
I can’t wait to see you at Registration on Saturday, March 2. Bring your family or travel companions by to say hello! This is going to be the best NACLNC® Conference ever!
Success Is Onboard!
P.S. Click here if you missed the important announcements I posted last week. These are a must read for all 2013 NACLNC® Conference attendees.
P.P.S. Comment and share your tips for enjoying the 2013 NACLNC® Conference Cruise.
Are the shows part of the NACLNC® Conference tuition or do I need to purchase those separately? Really looking forward to the 2013 NACLNC® Conference Cruise, the networking and the educational activities.
All of the shows listed on the NACLNC® Networking Events are included. We have arranged to have the Oasis of the Seas automatically load your SeaPass (and those of your travel companions) with tickets for these events:
You will need to register for any other shows or events either in advance or onboard.
I’ll see you at the mandatory NACLNC® conference Registration and then at our NACLNC® Welcome Reception on Saturday, March 2nd.