Tom’s Tech Tips

Tom’s Tuesday Tech Tip: Non-Pharmaceutical Restraints for a Legal Nurse Consultant’s Desktop

I don’t like restraints; I’m a mobile user. I can pick up and go at a moment’s notice and I don’t like to be held down. Vickie snaps her fingers and I say, “How far are we going and how light are we packing?” That means my laptop and wireless card go with me just about everywhere. I use them on planes, trains and even in speeding automobiles (with someone else driving). I use my laptop at home, at work and at the CLNC 6-Day Certification Seminars. I also use it at Starbucks, preferring the security of my own wireless card’s network to one that might possibly be spoofed by some villain.

No Such Thing as Bad Clothing for Certified Legal Nurse Consultants

I just got back from four wonderfully luxurious days sitting on a beach in Mexico with nothing more on my mind than my stack of novels. You’d think that for a woman who grew up in New Orleans, in a home that didn’t have air conditioning, I’d only like warm weather places like beaches or jungles. Surprisingly it’s exactly the opposite! Many of my favorite travels have taken me to colder climates.

Get Out of Your Head and Into the Legal Nurse Consulting Market!

The other day I was reading an article that asked whether we spent too much time in our heads. The author took the position that by over-rationalizing we actually talk ourselves out of things we really want and into things that we don’t. This reminded me of a story told by one of the Certified Legal Nurse Consultants about how much time and effort he spent setting up his CLNC business, creating the perfect logo, the perfect home office and the perfect conditions for getting started. He was convinced that until he was perfectly ready he wouldn’t have a perfect chance, so he found himself accomplishing nothing more than moving the tchlotskis around on his desk to the perfect position. He knew in his heart he was ready but that wasn’t enough – because his head wasn’t ready.

Tom’s Tech Tips

Tom’s Tuesday Tech Tip: She Bop, We Bop-a-CLNC® Bop, Is Your PC a Bot?

As a world traveler I’ve seen and dodged my fair share of viruses. Except for that one incident in Nepal with the unpasteurized cheese, I’ve done pretty well. That being said, as a World Wide Web traveler, I’ve also dodged my fair share of viruses, malware and other nasty infections (so far as I know). Others, including more than a few legal nurse consultants I’ve spoken with haven’t been so lucky. Even my remote family isn’t immune. I once spent a full day of my Christmas vacation rebuilding my brother-in-law’s laptop after he contracted something extremely nasty from practicing unsafe-surfing. I eventually had to wipe his computer clean and reinstall Windows and advise him to stay off the Internet for the rest of his life.

Stretch Your Tastebuds Beyond Mental Junkfood to Improve Your Legal Nurse Consulting Business

This morning, while having my cup of healthy green tea, I looked over and found Tom reading a hardback copy of Next of Kin by Joanna Trollope. After the double-take, I asked him where he’d found it and he told me “on your bookshelf.” Then I remembered, all the books on the bookshelf I’ve talked about in my earlier blog are ones that we’ve read and, for whatever reason, have decided to keep. They’re paperbacks, hardbacks, a few legacy books, novels, biographies, travel books, fiction, science fiction (Tom), history, one on gardening that must have been a gift, and my book Inside Every Woman published in English, Vietnamese, Polish, Indonesian and Chinese (Soon to be joined by the Korean version!).

The CLNC® Pros Share Gift-Giving Strategies

The day before Thanksgiving is the perfect time for all Certified Legal Nurse Consultants to contemplate all that we appreciate about each and every attorney-client and what they mean to our CLNC businesses. Plus, it’s time to start thinking about holiday gifts for your attorney-clients. I asked the CLNC Pros to share some of their favorites, along with some gift-giving strategies for their legal nurse consulting businesses. Check out Larry’s strategy – giving gifts any day of the year. I hope you all have a Thanksgiving filled with love and gratitude.

Tom’s Tech Tips

Tom’s Tuesday Tech Tip: Is That Website Seal a Seal of Approval or Seal of Fate?

Whenever you visit a website, you’re presented with a lot of information. The LegalNurse.com’s LegalNurse.com website offers by my estimate somewhere around 1,005,402 pages (more or less) of legal nurse consulting information. When you’re shopping to make a decision about an expenditure whether it’s to support your career as a Certified Legal Nurse Consultant, to buy a CD or book from Amazon.com, a new computer from HP.com or something as simple as a new business blouse from Sears.com for that important attorney-client interview, you’re presented with a dazzling array of “seals” and “trust marks” of quality from different organizations. Some are real, some are genuine and some are not. Some are “sound-a-likes” for other famous brands and more than a few trustmarks are images which have been improperly copied and pasted.

Are You Hanging with the Biggest Losers?

I have a nursing friend who’s overweight and she really wants to lose the extra pounds. I’ve watched her and listened to her stories as she has tried just about everything. She’s done the grapefruit diet, the cabbage soup diet, and the Atkins, South Park, South Beach, Long Beach and Muscle Beach diets. Each one lasted less than a week. Her lack of success at controlling her weight motivates me to stick with my plan of eating healthy, clean, no sugar and to exercise at least five times a week – no matter what; no excuses! She’s now considering lap band surgery and yet another weight management support group.

What Legal Nurse Consulting T-Shirt Are You Wearing?

Tom has a T-shirt he picked up in Fiji a couple of years ago while on his quest to dive with hammerhead sharks. It says, “You can run out of air and die. You can get bitten by a shark and die or you can fall off the couch and die. Get off the couch and into the water!”

*The opinions and statements made by Vickie Milazzo, the founder of Medical-Legal Consulting Institute, Inc. are based on her experiences and expertise, should not be applied beyond the specific context provided, and do not guaranty or project actual results. Vickie Milazzo is no longer involved in the operations or management of the business, but is involved as an independent education consultant.

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