Since nursing has given me so much, I strongly agree with Vickie’s perspective. As an advocate for RNs, she warns us not to fall into the role of paralegal.
The CLNC® Certification Program Made My Dream of Owning a Legal Nurse Business a Reality
by Michele R. Groff, RN, MSN, PHN, CLNC
Owning my own business had always been a goal of mine, although I did not know what shape would finally emerge. My experience in clinical nursing spans over 25 years, from Medicare hospices to home healthcare. In my last position as a director of home health and outpatient nursing services for a hospital system, I was exposed to medical records review and realized I could reach my goal as a Certified Legal Nurse Consultant.
I looked at the different programs available and even checked into several university programs, which were all paralegal-based. Then luckily, I saw an ad for’s CLNC® Certification Program, which emphasized using my nursing experience and applying it to the field of law. This seemed to be a perfect fit for me. Since nursing has given me so much, I strongly agree with the Institute’s perspective. As an advocate for RNs, they warn us not to fall into the role of paralegal.
I enrolled in the CLNC Certification Program and felt immediately connected. Anyone starting out in the field of legal nurse consulting needs the Institute’s guidance, business savvy and valuable marketing tips. The CLNC Mentoring Program has been critical to my success as a beginning CLNC consultant. Purchasing all of the Institute’s educational materials has also helped get my practice off the ground. I’ve used each and every one.
The Institute inspired me so much that I immediately quit my full-time position and started my own consulting practice. As an independent CLNC consultant, I get to work on a variety of cases. I especially love the medical malpractice cases. Right now, I have 13 cases, and they all came to me by word of mouth.
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