What better reward can there be for sitting for the CLNC Certification Examination than getting to pick up your first legal nurse consultant job from an attorney-client immediately after you complete the exam!
Law Students Are Learning About Certified Legal Nurse Consultants!
Video – Krista M. Bradley, RN, BSN, CLNC
Krista M. Bradley, RN, BSN, CLNC shares that her cousin, a fourth year law student, learned about the CLNC® Certification in law school, wrote a paper about it and recommended – at a family party – that she become a Certified Legal Nurse Consultant. Krista also shares that she received her first legal nurse consultant job from another attorney even before she completed the CLNC Certification Program.
What better reward can there be for sitting for the CLNC Certification Examination than getting to pick up your first case from an attorney-client immediately after you complete the exam!
Congratulations Krista!
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