CLNC® Success Story Guidelines:
- What motivated you to become a Certified Legal Nurse Consultant?
- What personal traits contributed to your success?
- What decisions/intentions contributed to your success?
- What actions contributed to your success?
- How long did it take to fulfill your financial objectives as a CLNC consultant?
- How did your income level change? Include your gross annual income.
- What’s your favorite marketing strategy?
- How did your marketing plan change after you obtained your first attorney-clients?
- How did you overcome your fears of starting a new nursing career?
- Who or what helped you succeed?
- What is your business like today?
a. What did you expect it to look like? - What do you love most about your CLNC business?
- How has your business changed your life?
a. How has it changed you personally? - How is being an independent consultant different than working inside the healthcare system?
- How do you maintain and nurture your existing attorney-client relationships?
- Feel free to describe a specific case or event that started your career as a CLNC consultant or that is relevant to your success.
Let these guidelines stimulate your ideas; they are not intended to limit you in any way. There is no set story length. Just follow your heart and include everything you feel is important to tell your story.