Dorene shares how she marketed her legal nurse consulting services to an unconventional market. Learn how Certified Legal Nurse Consultants are making a difference in new and innovative ways.
Certified Legal Nurse Consultant Shares Her Elevator Expertise
Video – Dorene Goldstein, RNC, CLNC
Dorene Goldstein, RNC, CLNC, of Goldstein Nurse Consultants, Inc. shares how she successfully marketed her legal nurse consulting services to an unconventional market. As you watch and listen to Dorene talk about the ups and downs of the elevator business, you’ll learn how she got into one of the biggest elevator companies in the world. She’ll also share why you might not want to dance in an elevator, ever.
Congratulations, Dorene, and thanks for sharing yet another way that Certified Legal Nurse Consultants are making a difference in new and innovative ways.
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