The life of a Certified Legal Nurse Consultant is different every day. That’s what makes being a CLNC® consultant fun and rewarding.
A Day in the Life of Certified Legal Nurse Consultant Kaylin Chase
by Kaylin Chase, RN, BSN, CNLCP, CLNC
While the life of a Certified Legal Nurse Consultant is different every day, I do enjoy waking up and starting my day in a relaxed atmosphere without the worry of beating the time clock. A nice cup of coffee in hand, I contemplate the direction I want to go and the ideas I want to accomplish. Ideas center around marketing, cases that need my attention, attorneys I need to call or email and dreams I will build upon. After an hour of brainstorming, I begin my day.
As the Institute teaches, “Just sit down and start.” Most days I turn my computer on and check emails. My favorite emails from attorney-clients are “Call me, I need you.” I update my whiteboard with dates and legal nurse consultant jobs that require my attention. It’s nice to update a whiteboard with details other than my name, job title and patient needs. Next, I spend time on Linkedln and Facebook to connect with attorneys. Sometimes it’s just a quick post and other times I comment on relevant articles. This simple act keeps me in front of potential attorney-clients.
Then I switch my focus to the case that needs my attention first. I spend the day researching, writing chronological timelines and locating expert witnesses. I complete these tasks with my favorite music playing in the background.
Some days I stay in yoga pants with a ponytail and other days I dress to impress as I leave the house with coffee in hand to discuss legal nurse consultant jobs with attorney-clients or to meet new attorney-prospects. Either way it’s exciting and interesting to meet with brilliant minds.
Medical malpractice cases are my favorites. I also consult on a large number of personal injury cases, for which I provide life care plans. I like the diversity.
As my CLNC® business has grown, I now use CLNC subcontractors and following up with them is part of my typical day. The incorporation of CLNC subcontractors has been a success thanks to who did a great job training us.
The life of a Certified Legal Nurse Consultant is different every day. That’s what makes being a CLNC consultant fun and rewarding.
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