
CLNC® Success Stories

The life of a Certified Legal Nurse Consultant is different every day. That’s what makes being a CLNC® consultant fun and rewarding.

A Day in the Life of Certified Legal Nurse Consultant Kaylin Chase

by Kaylin Chase, RN, BSN, CNLCP, CLNC

Kaylin Chase - Certified Legal Nurse Consultant

While the life of a Certified Legal Nurse Consultant is different every day, I do enjoy waking up and starting my day in a relaxed atmosphere without the worry of beating the time clock. A nice cup of coffee in hand, I contemplate the direction I want to go and the ideas I want to accomplish. Ideas center around marketing, cases that need my attention, attorneys I need to call or email and dreams I will build upon. After an hour of brainstorming, I begin my day.

As the Institute teaches, “Just sit down and start.” Most days I turn my computer on and check emails. My favorite emails from attorney-clients are “Call me, I need you.” I update my whiteboard with dates and legal nurse consultant jobs that require my attention. It’s nice to update a whiteboard with details other than my name, job title and patient needs. Next, I spend time on Linkedln and Facebook to connect with attorneys. Sometimes it’s just a quick post and other times I comment on relevant articles. This simple act keeps me in front of potential attorney-clients.

Then I switch my focus to the case that needs my attention first. I spend the day researching, writing chronological timelines and locating expert witnesses. I complete these tasks with my favorite music playing in the background.

Some days I stay in yoga pants with a ponytail and other days I dress to impress as I leave the house with coffee in hand to discuss legal nurse consultant jobs with attorney-clients or to meet new attorney-prospects. Either way it’s exciting and interesting to meet with brilliant minds.

Medical malpractice cases are my favorites. I also consult on a large number of personal injury cases, for which I provide life care plans. I like the diversity.

As my CLNC® business has grown, I now use CLNC subcontractors and following up with them is part of my typical day. The incorporation of CLNC subcontractors has been a success thanks to LegalNurse.com who did a great job training us.

The life of a Certified Legal Nurse Consultant is different every day. That’s what makes being a CLNC consultant fun and rewarding.

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*The opinions and statements made by Vickie Milazzo, the founder of Medical-Legal Consulting Institute, Inc. are based on her experiences and expertise, should not be applied beyond the specific context provided, and do not guaranty or project actual results. Vickie Milazzo is no longer involved in the operations or management of the business, but is involved as an independent education consultant.

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