
More Than 4,000 CLNC® Consultants Reveal an Important Secret

I have the privilege of knowing most of the CLNC consultants in the NACLNC Association and they are one of the most diverse groups of professionals I’ve ever met. It’s the diversity in their CLNC businesses that is the clue to the first step you will want to take in launching your legal nurse consulting business.

Victory Dance Your Way to CLNC® Success

On a trip to England my husband, Tom, and I visited Stratford-on-Avon, looking for the home of William Shakespeare. The historic center of town is small and easy to navigate. However, we couldn’t find anything that even resembled Shakespeare’s homestead. Resting against a wall, we opened our water bottles and looked once more at our map. At my insistence (since husbands don’t ask for directions), we stopped a passing pedestrian.

Great Expectations

I admit, when it comes to my appetite (for life that is), I’m a greedy person. I have high expectations for my life and career and I plan on having them as long as I have a life. Without expectations and desires, we don’t have a life at all. I’m big on acting on our dreams, not just dreaming them.

Challenge Your Legal Nurse Consulting Goals with These 3 Questions

I wake up every morning with new ideas, ventures and projects for me and my staff. But before I enter into a new venture or project, I ask myself these three questions: “What do I want to come from this venture? Why am I really doing this? How will it benefit me and my clients?” I want to have a clear picture of the goal that I am striving for before I go all in. By clarifying the goal at the beginning, I believe I determine the outcome instead of the outcome being determined by all of the things that happen along the way – those things that distract me from my focus and cause me to settle for less than I wanted.

Less Yack and More Sack!

In mentoring Certified Legal Nurse Consultants I’ve learned to judge someone’s resistance to an idea by the amount of time they’ll spend talking about it before implementing it. The talking is reflective of the resistance. I’ll hear why it won’t work, why it’s so difficult or why someone else should be doing it. Depending upon how far-reaching the idea is, we’ll sometimes spend more time talking about something than just doing it.

Three Things I Choose Not to Do in My CLNC® Business

I choose not to engage in stinking thinking. Thoughts like “I can’t do this…I can’t do that…I wish I could but I can’t” never enter my mind nor do I say them. Positive thoughts and spoken words attract positive happenings in my life and in my CLNC business, while negative thoughts and spoken words attract negative happenings in your life. I also choose not to listen to dream squashers – you know who they are – individuals who tell you that your ideas or goals are no good and that you are not going to succeed. “Dream squashers be gone” is my motto and it has served me well in my legal nurse consulting business.

New Year, New Opportunity to Buck Up!

2012 is upon us, yet for many over-extended nurses it feels like just another mile marker in an endurance race going nowhere. Depressing, but true. We trudge through the week at a dreary job, drive home fretting about money and spend our evenings robot-walking through the usual haze of homework battles and half-finished chores. Passion and fulfillment? Nope, just sheer survival. And the worst part is, most nurses accept that this is just how it is.

Are You Addicted to Feeling Good?

Did you know that the word “niggle” is an intransitive verb which according to Merriam-Webster, dates from about 1616 and means to trifle or to spend too much effort on minor details? Do you find yourself niggling away your time or do you use it meaningfully? Most people claim to cherish their “quiet” time, but be honest. Do you spend the first part of your day on your email? Or, do you use that peak productivity time to knock out those hard projects and big things for your CLNC business.

*The opinions and statements made by Vickie Milazzo, the founder of Medical-Legal Consulting Institute, Inc. are based on her experiences and expertise, should not be applied beyond the specific context provided, and do not guaranty or project actual results. Vickie Milazzo is no longer involved in the operations or management of the business, but is involved as an independent education consultant.

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